I am trying to get all the clues in the murder mystery portion any help would be great!
Ooh, that's a tough one! You have to get four clues:
- Find a way to check how much money Joel had in his account. Brennan can help you with this if you have a good relationship, or you can sneak a look at Kelly's tablet as long as you don't ask about it ahead of time.
- You need to figure out what the ring does that Jack finds at Noel's house. With a strong relationship to the colonists, Oleg will message you about it after the first day.
- You need to learn about the firegrass connection. Terra can tell you if you have a good relationship with her.
- You need to learn about Joel's previous injuries. Kelly will tell you this when you examine the body if you have a good relationship.
So basically, it requires good relationships with the miners or being sneaky, a strong colonists relationship, a good Terra relationship, and a good Kelly relationship. Hope this helps you!
I think that's the hardest one! There's a few requirements:
It's the second spinach event. Crop events happen on odd numbered years based on what crops you plant.
Terra needs to be old enough to help on the farm (year 7+) and you need to have her helping at least a little bit. You need to choose to make snail traps, and choose to kill the snails. Terra needs to be independent - you increase this stat by having her do hard things on her own. Then, she will suggest an alternative to killing the snails that will lead to this achievement.
I hope this helps!