Need help getting an achievement, unlocking a certain ending, or have hints to share? Post below!
What kind of a dad and farmer will you be? · By
That is one of the hardest achievements to get! I wrote up a guide for you.
I hope this helps!
Ooh, that's a tough one! You have to get four clues:
So basically, it requires good relationships with the miners or being sneaky, a strong colonists relationship, a good Terra relationship, and a good Kelly relationship. Hope this helps you!
I think that's the hardest one! There's a few requirements:
It's the second spinach event. Crop events happen on odd numbered years based on what crops you plant.
Terra needs to be old enough to help on the farm (year 7+) and you need to have her helping at least a little bit. You need to choose to make snail traps, and choose to kill the snails. Terra needs to be independent - you increase this stat by having her do hard things on her own. Then, she will suggest an alternative to killing the snails that will lead to this achievement.
I hope this helps!
OK, here's an endings guide... The endings for Terra are based on her ATTACHMENT and COMPETENCE. Attachment increases when you are kind, consistent, and listen to her (a responsive parent). Competence increases when you teach Terra and require her to do hard things and have high expectations (a demanding parent). Mostly these are affected during Family events each year. So if you want to get Ending #1, you should ignore Terra or yell at her and don't make her do things.
Ending #1 - Bring Back My Baby - low attachment and low competence
Ending #2 - Proving Herself - low attachment and high competence
Ending #3 - Forever My Little Girl - high attachment and low competence
Ending #4 - The Stars are Bright - high attachment and high competence