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hmmm. Seem to be working on my end, never had difficulties before…

Apparently it's just the Itch client now.  I initially used the client, but when it didn't work I went through the site.  When I clicked download it didn't work. Now it does.  Sorry for the trouble and thanks for looking into it!

no worries! Just reminded me that this existed, which always starts the wheels a’spinning’…

(1 edit)

I'm actually going to try to play this solo.  It seems like the GM facing document would be implied to be secret, but at the same time it has the powers of each faction.  Is this supposed to be player knowledge too, but the GM simply uses it as a guideline to run the game and adjudicate the Actions? In addition, I didn't see guidance on how you roll for an action's success.

Players were given vague outlines of which each other player was about, but the contents of their powers were kept secret. As for rolling, I changed my preferred methods in later iterations (see the Blades in the Dark open strategy game):

If an action is unopposed or easy, it happens. If success is uncertain, the referee rolls 2d6. If likely, only one die needs to be 4 or higher. If unlikely, both need to be 4 or higher. Rolling doubles means something chaotic occurs.

Thanks a lot for explaining that. I was going to do some sort of lame single die check, but this is better!