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(1 edit) (+1)

not sure why you decided to make it so cryptic... you'll need better icons to represent actions because right now its a puzzle game/iq test. i bought all the foods and put it on the pen but still not sure if they have preferences or not. not sure if there is any effect in splitting them with the lasers, no matter what i tryed, i could not get the bunnyes to change their stats. 'hapyness' 1 and the other stats on 2. i figured out that one of the toggle icons is their sexes. some of them seems to be hybrid or children, not sure. but also not sure if this was having any effect on how they reproduce. i saw two similar bunnyes either fighting or playing, so i was once again not sure if i should split them or put them together. luckily the clients(lol) dont seem do care about the bunny condition and only how long i keep them waiting

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing, I hope you found it fun overall. It's not meant to be cryptic but it is a not-Earth shop. The stats need fixing; the rabbit happiness should be dependent on how much they eat (70% hay, 20% veg, 10% fruit) and other rabbit stuff.

The rabbit stats should be fixed starting from Version 6.