Thank you very much Drifty , I appreciate the feedback and kind words!
I'll try to explain a couple of the points:
- First off, thank you for explaining the reason people wouldn't want it in their C drive. I learned a lot from your explanation (I'm not the most tech savvy guy) and I most likely will never do that again. The only reason I did it for this contest was because of contest rule 13:
13. All files required to play the game MUST be included in the download. If the game exe does not run because of missing files, it will be disqualified.
The problem with just a barebone export with PGM (which is exactly how RM does it with a folder) is some windows might not have the older VC++ Redistributable required to run the game. With the installer I could at least verify they have them all, and if not, install them. This is fairly common issue that gets brought up, so I knew I needed to prevent that from happening to avoid disqualifying. The next thing was I didn't know how to go about the administration issue with the save files. To combat that we made the installer only install on the C drive, which fixed the issue. Granted the only saving we needed was for the day counter, so really it pretty unimportant for us to have. I think in retrospect, this just doesn't work for everyone as you explained. It is very personal preference, for instance I have only received 2 complaints for this method (you and another player). Over all though, I think you are correct, I need to find a better method or just stick with the default export.
- Nova is a character Noobk and I created and use in other games, it was more an easter egg for the PGM community. She is pretty cranky, that's about all anyone needs to know, lol!