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A member registered Aug 29, 2018 · View creator page →

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I agree, the most they offer is this atm:


So I went back and double checked and so far my A5/B-E exports are turning out exactly like they have it. 

For example:

Here is a tile of mine that is already imported into Unite (so it's the one the Unite mapping tool uses):

Then here is a tile already imported tile that comes with Unite (again the one the mapping tool uses):

Both are 98x98 with 1px borders. 

I think what is happening is this:

  • The original grey tile (default asset) is imported as a 96x96 with no 1px transparency. I'm thinking Unite auto converts this to a 98x98 1px border tile if the asset is 96x96. That must be why the manual says that, although they need to make it clear that if you import it as 96x96 you don't need the 1px border.
  • Mine (the grass) is imported already as a 98x98 with 1px border and Unite seems to recognize that and just use it without modifying it.

Now that I remember, the beta was 98x98 with us providing a 1px border ourselves (one reason I made this tool). So they must have made the process easier by only needing to upscale and cut (96x96) and not provide the 1px border because it will be handled on import. With that said, my method still works, so they must have kept the legacy check for it internally.

Now I might be missing something so please let me know if I am!

With the new terms of GGG (which includes PGMMV) as long as you own PGMMV, you can use the songs in other engines.

Glad to help!

I will look into the A5 B-E exports, they were working great when I launched this tool and was beta testing Unite. 

You're welcome!

He will love this review! 

A big worry he had was his friends don't use PC's to play video games. So with RMMV being able to export to HTML, it was really nice we can upload on itch like this and then he passed them a card with a link on it and they get to the play the game they are in, haha. 

I would never give up the dream, maybe tutorials will help. Mostly what is going to get you better is just doing things in the engine. I usually don't recommend making your dream game right away though, start with a mini version of the dream. Like a 2 scene ordeal, then you can start seeing what logic is scalable and what isn't. Scalable is a very very important thing or else you will get stuck a lot and that is no fun!

You are very welcome!

That is exactly what these plugins do! You can target any object type, instance id, parent, or even locked objects.

BTW apply filter (from the example you mentioned) is tied right now for Pack #3, so that particular plugin might be coming sooner than later, we'll see!

Being able to target other instances to use the action as well as the ability to use actions across scene types (normal and menu) are the biggest enhancements. The secondary ones are being able to use variable values and a few new settings.


Glad to help, cannot even imagine doing that haha!

Ahh ok, I will try again, thanks!

This game is so cool! I did get stuck after getting the sword though. I tried to go into the big building but it wouldn't let me go because I didn't have a light source, which I couldn't find. Any hints?

Thanks RamZ!

Thank you very much Drifty , I appreciate the feedback and kind words! 

I'll try to explain a couple of the points: 

- First off, thank you for explaining the reason people wouldn't want it in their C drive. I learned a lot from your explanation (I'm not the most tech savvy guy) and I most likely will never do that again. The only reason I did it for this contest was because of contest rule 13:

13. All files required to play the game MUST be included in the download. If the game exe does not run because of missing files, it will be disqualified.

The problem with just a barebone export with PGM (which is exactly how RM does it with a folder) is some windows might not have the older VC++ Redistributable required to run the game. With the installer I could at least verify they have them all, and if not, install them. This is fairly common issue that gets brought up, so I knew I needed to prevent that from happening to avoid disqualifying. The next thing was I didn't know how to go about the administration issue with the save files. To combat that we made the installer only install on the C drive, which fixed the issue. Granted the only saving we needed was for the day counter, so really it pretty unimportant for us to have. I think in retrospect, this just doesn't work for everyone as you explained. It is very personal preference, for instance I have only received 2 complaints for this method (you and another player). Over all though, I think you are correct, I need to find a better method or just stick with the default export. 

- Nova is a character Noobk and I created and use in other games, it was more an easter egg for the PGM community. She is pretty cranky, that's about all anyone needs to know, lol!

Thanks for the feedback. I'll answer your last part 'I'm not sure how complicated the engine is'. Basically everything is made from scratch in PGM. I had to code, so I made a custom plugin, for the message system and all menu systems from scratch (title, pause, shop, hud, and tomb menus). PGM is definitely more action oriented. Most the time I'm looking at game design to NOT have text or a cutscene as much as possible and tell story through minimal means. This game was our try at a Harvest Moon-like (if you go to my page, I've taken a stab at most genres). It may not have connected with you and that's ok! Thanks for playing!

Nice work! And thanks for the map, that helped me navigate better xD

Thank you very much!

We wanted to add mini some quests for other villagers and a Reaper Fight Mode after you beat the game, but time was not our side, lol. Thanks for playing!

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Finally got a chance to play this. Amazing pixel art and love the mapping. My only feedback is the white scene transfers were a little jarring, especially roaming through the forest quickly. Didn't effect my rating or anything, just thought I'd mention it. Good work!

This game was awesome. I especially liked how you designed your starting tutorial, it was action learning at its finest!

Definitely agreed, tbh we lucked out that it didn't 'quite wear out its welcome', it cut it really close. Appreciate the feedback Human!

Good job Kendall, you always put in a lot of effort into your projects!

I can't even get 11 days, haha. That is the fastest I've heard of so far.

Padr!!! Thank you sir!

Thanks Boss for playing!

Haha I wondered! That's awesome and I'm glad others can make that system work so well. It's definitely the most natural ABS system RM can get IMO.

The pro himself, thanks Narehop!

Thanks DB!

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Haha, thanks UnproPro!

Great intro and variety, take my stars!

(1 edit)

So technically you can rebind with the default PGM method, by pressing F1 during gameplay and you'll get a greenish menu bar that drops down at top of window. If you start clicking into those settings eventually you can rebind keys. The only problem is that I hide the mouse cursor while it's in the game window, lol. So since it requires a mouse to navigate the menus it's going to be very hard to do, oops!

Thank you TheKeeper, appreciate the feedback! I definitely agree with the controls, in a real release controls would be more like Stardew Valley (WASD and mouse). I did however want to make this game feel most comfortable with RM audience as well and after much feedback I got the Arrow Keys, Z, X, Space setup as most common. 

So jealous of that font, haha. Nice work!

I liked the unique art style!

Thanks for playing and for the feedback!