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Bloom Underworld

by Alice Gristle

Hey there Alice, thanks for submitting a project to the 2022 IGMC. I'm Drifty and I was asked to judge your game in round three of the IGMC 2022 game jam. Here's some feedback about your project.

The writing is clever and witty.

The music is like an 8-bit rendition of a classical piano concerto.

The graphics and art style are cohesive and interesting.

The sounds have been selected appropriately.

The combat system is wildly based on RNG and while I don't hate it, I find it to be lacking mechanically. I do enjoy the combat animations, sound effects and BGM though.

I like the skills and how the descriptions are worded, in fact I like how just about everything is worded in this game.

The font is familiar, clear and easy to read.

You should consider adding a stop-movement plugin. When talking to Ghalla (and any other event for that matter) it doesn't actually stop the other creatures from moving around. Not a game breaking issue of course, just a thought.

I liked the whole part where you actually lose the game at the end but become resurrected. 

This was an interesting take on things. I would've redesigned the combat system personally, with these things in mind:

*Make it much less RNG based. 

*Give the player 10 HP to start with instead of 1. 

*Up the accuracy on many abilities.

*Make some abilities deal more damage than others to balance the difficulty curve.

*Add a hint as to which type of creature is weak to which state.

(These are just suggestions as to what I would have preferred.)

Overall I loved this entry and I think it's great. You've done a fantastic job, congratulations on making it to round three of the 2022 IGMC. I look forward to what you work on in the future.



Yay! <3 I'm really happy how y'all have liked my game, even tho I know it's not my best effort! :D