I really like the art in this game, especially some of the stuff that wasn't used. The music is also really good. The interpretation of the theme is interesting, but it's not super strong imo (though I guess the pun in the title makes up for it :P). The actual gameplay is a bit simple, but I do really like how the spiders will only move if the player is moving in a web. That way you can take your time to think through your movements and be more strategic instead of just having to be super quick. My biggest problem with the game is the hitboxes:
In this screenshot you can see just how much bigger the hitboxes are than the sprites. because of this, the player can often be frustrated because they died even though the spider wasn't even touching the ant. Playing with the hitboxes visualized however fixes the problem. But the game is still decent and I enjoyed playing. Best of luck!
(Also, it looks like there are 3 levels in the game, but I only got to play the one. Not sure if this was a time constraint or a bug)