Reached all the way to round 37 when this happened
I like the indicators that show which enemy will spawn. Also the new buttons to order and upgrade modifiers in the inventory. I don't think I will ever use the "exchange all" one though. The screen that shows which enemies the level will have was useful at first, but it got a bit annoying later. it was hard to notice when a new enemy was introduced since you don't read the table wave after wave, just once every time AFTER a new enemy is introduced. I think it needs some re-organizing and maybe a new menu. Also having to scroll to see all enemies and the list pushing the "continue to level" button to the bottom might not be ideal.
Sorry to say, but I disabled the bloom effect as soon as I learned it could be disabled. I personally don't like it, it makes me feel like I don't have my glasses on.
There was something weird going on with the "Pi" modifier. At one point, having "Pi" increased damage from 20 to 24. "Pii" changed it to 21 and "Piii" dropped it to 14. The way some modifiers change when they are upgraded feels random or inconvenient at times. For some of them you don't even want to upgrade them at certain point, for example Daa is ok but Daaa drops firing rate off a cliff.
At one point by experimenting, I managed to have negative armor penetration. It made mine layers almost impossible to kill.
Finally, I don't like the ship with orbiting shields. It is fine when there is only one, but with two at the same time they becomes a headache. Fire/move incorrectly and both regenerates all the shields without hurting them even a little. I managed to beat three at the same time but it took me a long time. Then I had the situation of the screenshot. I spent 10 minutes and my patience ran out after hitting them 3 or 4 times. I understand this is designed to be tackled with a specific setup but having something outright unkillable if you have the wrong modifiers doesn't feel good.
Also I tried other modifier for once this time! I had "Expp" for a long while though I ended up needing armor penetration so I had to drop it. I need to learn how to pair it with other modifiers effectively.