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This is fun and cool, it's crazy you could make a great game in a week! :o The way you make a cat sound like a car is hilarious to me xD

But the controls aren't good enough, it looks easy to control when i saw this on your twitter. The map design is a bit confusing, the camera also moving too forward, and performance issues.

That's it, great game! I like it! Keep up the good work! :D


Hey man, cheers for the kind words and constructive feedback!
I'll definitely give the performance a look at - have you tried switching the quality settings in the Settings menu?
Controls have always been an issue, especially when using keyboard.. so i'll keep improving!
With the map, were you getting lost too much? Should I add more directions?

Thanks again!


Nice :D

I've tried to change the quality to low, but still not getting 30 fps. And the part i confused was after the park with zig zag track. I think that's it.


Okay, gotcha! I'll dial down the graphics, and I'll add some directional arrows to the city park !
Cheers for the feedback mate