I mean, practice really does makes "perfect", I usually try to play the game as much as possible in my free time during classes and I've gotten quite good, to the point where I've gone from almost giving up on the game because I didn't understand how to even dodge, to the point where I have beaten the Master 100-65 at a quite consistent rate.
It just takes practice and learning the algorithem. Just make sure that before you advance in difficulty, you are profficiant in beating your current opponent. If you can barely beat the current AI, you're most definetly not ready for the next one.
(Heads up: Fighting the Master AI is not practice so you can then go fight your friends, the AI has a pattern you can memorise. You can't anticipate what a person does like you can a program. So try doing both, fighting your friends and the AI so you can get the best of both worlds). Hope this helps :)