Greetings! My name is Nikolay, I'm currently studying in Germany with an emphasis on IT. I've never entered a GBJam before, but I have worked on other jams.
My main skill is programming. I have experience in C++ (UE4), I would say I'm good at C# (Unity), and also good at GML (GameMaker Studio). I also have experience in Godot (I programmed one of my published games in Godot), and JavaScript (WebGL, never used Three.js).
Sadly, I haven't made games in a long time and have been focusing more on software/web-dev, so I am very excited to work on a game again!
Here are some of my games.
A link to some YouTube videos of stuff I made (relatable to GameDev).
This is my GitHub.
If you're interested in working with me, here's my Discord: DOOM2099#8516