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I managed to beat it on the webGL version. The movement was fun and smooth (i really liked that sprint mechanic allowing me to do some fast platforming) and the platforming was challenging without being frustrating. I thought a lot of the sprites were really cool and I liked how the eyes followed me around the screen 👀

I thought the music got a bit repetitive after a while and I didn't really understand the concept all that much. I wasn't a big fan of the death game either, I wasn't really motivated to die to do it.

Overall I enjoyed it alot! great stuff

Well played, beating the game on the web version is extra hard because of particles not rendering (checkpoint particles are not that important, but "wind" particle as is seen on screen 1 are a lot more) 

Furthermore, the hexagonal cells are off position to the camera in web version, and the explication screen is not the best "tutorial" to a mini puzzle table top game.

So GG for beating it, glad you enjoyed it! :D

I know that the music and sound effects are bad, but I wanted to do them myself even if that was my first music and first sounds effect ever x) and I hadn't the time to learn how to do something better (obviously.. I don't know what I was thinking)

thanks for playing.

Awesome work on your own sound assets! Thats hard enough, especially with the jam's time limit