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YEAH THE 12X100S!!!! okay time to go through these one by one because every single one of them is a masterpiece.

lose ourselves to lose our minds: the emotions of betsy trombone. i love the way you establish her character, you really get a sense of her and her voice from the first sentence, and every different section just builds up that really real feeling. 'you quickly realise you only like one of those things, and it's the one where you can throw things at people' is genuinely one of my favourite lines ever it tells you so much about her. and fuck, you know this about me, but god. the dynamic between rhys and betsy makes me want to bite things. and you write it so so well

we grew up in spite of it: i really like that this starts with the necromancy. it feels like tracing a very different york from the one who died. the simplicity of 'you're not even good anymore' really hit me as well. this one is so tragic and inevitable and aaah. the ending. york o|-<

to its feast for precious hearts: you know i love this one. It feels very real, and raw, with enough hope in it to make it beautiful. it is a really good example of the poetic way you write description combined with the realism of your dialogue, and together it makes smth rlly powerful. you build a really layered picture of nerd, and the people around them

scrap of sisyphus, eh sassafras? : LOVE IS A GUY AND HIS FROG CHILD !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the way you establish the kinda weird facts about nics character and make them all make sense. i love his friendship with bright, it is so precious. and god, the internal dialogue nic has is sooo fascinating, and the way it culminates so perfectly with the squn is really really neatly done. you are SO good at making really impactful throughlines in your 12x100s, building these characters who make the only choices they ever could have made, because that is who they are

in the face of the daughter of my daughter of my daughter: cedric i am holding you so so gently in my hands. the way juan brought him to blaseball and everything tied up in the choice to be with them... this fic makes me so. romance. the PROPOSAL..... romance.... and the fucking. adjusting back after being ambushed is smth i think about CONSTANTLY and it makes me. waughh

keep a candle burning at the back of my eyes: SPEARS TAYLORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every single one of spears' relationships needs to be put in a museum.  famous and mickey (hehe...) and bright and fucking hell. the section where bright calls spears is like. if i was an actress and i needed to cry on command i would just read that b4 every scene honestly. and the end is so gorgeous and makes me so happy and ARGH. SPEARS.

what a beautiful expansion of the universe of your bright fics, and the overall mood after all of them is attacks you attacks you attacks you. i think you must be some sort of wizard.