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A member registered Mar 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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this is my last zine to comment on, and i have to say im kinda happy that its one by you guys - throughout the zines, pieces by all three of you have consistently been some of my favourites, you have created some amazing things, and this zine was no different.

randy interview: this was so fun, i love a fanfic interview, and you did such a good job with the format. i love randy so much as well, so this was a real treat, and it really made me laugh. i love thinking about how blaseball looks to people from the outside and god. siphon, huh? so true bloodthirsty randy #justgirlythings

triptych: god. this was so. the way you built up those characters and their reactions to their mods was so simple but effective, it was really good character work. the different reactions to the different horrors all felt very believable. i loved the concept of having fire-eater making you cold, and the dix one was so. fuck. siphon is so interesting with the amount of harm it causes to other players, and it makes it so fascinating to explore the mindset of siphons, and the way you wrote it here made so much sense, as well as being like. fuck.

margo nava: hiiii margo my beloved. all of margos relationships are so precious, and i loved the way you wrote them here, and i loved that sense of pressure on margo from the ‘curse’. fire eater guilt is so real, and i feel like the pressure margo puts on xemself makes xem a prime target for it. i loved how this fic wasnt so much about the fire-eating itself but about everything around it, and also i am holding margo So gently !

yeong-ho: yeong-ho is always one of those players i know nothing about but think are probably cool, so i was very excited for this one. this was such a cool way for friend of birds to happen, it had a vibe that really suited both the magic and what i know of yeong-ho, and i can really feel that sense of power mixed with fear mixed with awe coming from the birds. there was some really cool imagery in this one.

this was a really cool exploration of a bunch of different aspects of some of my favourite mods, as well as really concise crafted character moments. a super fun read!

wow, what an impressive project from you guys. you have built such a rich world and landscape, and it was such a pleasure to read it and get brought in to that world. the writing was so evocative, and you built up such an energy and feeling throughout the piece, it was really neatly done.
i wrote a little comment about each chapter, and i was going to put that in this comment, but it got wayy too long oops, so you can read that here if you want to. amazing work!

wow this is so clever. the game screenshots and the text is so clean, and it flows really well, it is so cool to be able to take these two games and get so much character and story from them. its so simple but so effective, i really enjoyed it

i love this zine so much. i love the style, the collage-y kind of look with the realistic images contrasted with the drawings. the text is so cool, it flows so nicely and it has so much weight of story behind it, you do the god-like character voice really really well. the last two pages are my favourites, theyre so evocative, but the whole thing is really stunning

oh my god this was such a unique and cute concept. i am so impressed by your creativity with all of these, and all of the different techniques you used! i was trying to pick my favourite as i went through but it was genuinely impossible i fell in love with every single one of them, except i think the additional parts with kaz at the end just brought the kaz book into favourite territory, especially with how cute that kaz is. i really liked how you included links to information about the books as well, that was a really thoughtful touch. im in awe of all the work that went into this!

i knew basically nothing about either luis or tot going in, so i really appreciated the preface with the links to the irms, it was super helpful! im sure my lack of knowledge will have changed by the time i reach the end of this comment :p i love a fic collection, ill go through each chapter in my comment, so it might get long!

the best story that i could ever tell: i loved this piece, partially because i love any blaseball fic where you can only get the whole picture by knowing what the characters don’t. its such a fascinating conversation to read with the context of whats coming. the dialogue flows really naturally, and you do a really good job at covering a bunch of topics without it seeming forced. you can really feel the ease of their relationship, and how well they know each other. i particularly enjoyed how casual they were discussing death, that felt really real

lost in the cosmos, lonely: god. luis just vanishing on the other end of the call. godddd. i love the imagery of using tot leaving voicemails, it is such a good way to set boundaries on the fic while making it really impactful. because holy shit. im so curious about your hcs on ascension as well, there are just enough little clues scattered through this to make me really fascinated. wailing and crying at ‘stay safe, my dear heart’

and i know it well: hehe hi nagomi nava… i liked this a lot, i felt like a really good follow-up in the sense of setting up tots character once luis’ absence is starting to be less of an open wound but still absolutely present in tots mind. it shows that development really well. coffee cup is so interesting to me in terms of players thoughts n feelings about it, so i really enjoyed reading this and getting it from tots perspective. loved the way you wrote the coffee effects as well! it was a lovely interlude

so i can forget how lonely feels: aaaaaa….them….. that moment of return was so sweet i am holding them so gently. this whole thing is literally. shaking them. romance. 

before the end of the movie: i love how all of these pieces are really representative of their relationship and how it reacts to a whole bunch of situations, it really helps to build a picture of them together. i love how you write the two of them, how they bounce off of each other in a way that makes their love so clear.

to think that we could stay the same: i really love arturo and tots friendship. it is a bright spot in this absolutely brutal section, incredible job at wrecking my emotions. all the memorials are so lovely to think about, and so heartbreaking at the same time. i love the sense of community in this chapter, the hope in that despite the tragedy. 

if & when: had to go take a break before reading this bc i knew what was coming and hall reunions always make me o|-<. im so glad theyre together at the end of the world, this was such a wonderful and neat end to their story, shoutout to the sim and shoutout to you for writing it all so beautifully. aaaah!!! 

wahoo i can say i am a luistot understander now !! this was really amazing, it was so wonderful to have the fics laid out in a way that made such a clear story for their relationship. you do dialogue and character voice so well, it really built up a sense of realness in all of the different relationships in this little universe. also! the formatting was super cute and professional looking, awesome job. waugh. them.

me seeing ‘originally written for femslash february’ like LETS GO!! i loved this idea for a fic, the collection of important items was such a clever way to trace the development of hiroto and paulas relationship. i literally just. romance. i enjoyed reading this so much, it was such a gentle and lovely development of a relationship and the end made me soooooo. aaaaah. i hadnt actually heard of this ship before but im won over, this was really sweet.

omg i loved this. it was so short and simple but had so much feeling and depth in that shortness. i loved the art, and how it faded to blue, and the formatting with the tape! that first page especially was gorgeous, with the blowing hair and the trees at the edges and the smear of blue at the bottom. also shoutout waffle house so true

from the intro i was already so pumped for this one. and goddddd it hit. i loved the formatting, i loved the slow vibes of it, i loved the exploration of axels character through mullens perception. ‘you dont take a man who has nightmares of burning to death and tell him to go fight fires’ made me hhhh. this was really gorgeous, and thoughtful, and is really just sitting with me now ive finished it. wow

YEAH THE 12X100S!!!! okay time to go through these one by one because every single one of them is a masterpiece.

lose ourselves to lose our minds: the emotions of betsy trombone. i love the way you establish her character, you really get a sense of her and her voice from the first sentence, and every different section just builds up that really real feeling. 'you quickly realise you only like one of those things, and it's the one where you can throw things at people' is genuinely one of my favourite lines ever it tells you so much about her. and fuck, you know this about me, but god. the dynamic between rhys and betsy makes me want to bite things. and you write it so so well

we grew up in spite of it: i really like that this starts with the necromancy. it feels like tracing a very different york from the one who died. the simplicity of 'you're not even good anymore' really hit me as well. this one is so tragic and inevitable and aaah. the ending. york o|-<

to its feast for precious hearts: you know i love this one. It feels very real, and raw, with enough hope in it to make it beautiful. it is a really good example of the poetic way you write description combined with the realism of your dialogue, and together it makes smth rlly powerful. you build a really layered picture of nerd, and the people around them

scrap of sisyphus, eh sassafras? : LOVE IS A GUY AND HIS FROG CHILD !!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the way you establish the kinda weird facts about nics character and make them all make sense. i love his friendship with bright, it is so precious. and god, the internal dialogue nic has is sooo fascinating, and the way it culminates so perfectly with the squn is really really neatly done. you are SO good at making really impactful throughlines in your 12x100s, building these characters who make the only choices they ever could have made, because that is who they are

in the face of the daughter of my daughter of my daughter: cedric i am holding you so so gently in my hands. the way juan brought him to blaseball and everything tied up in the choice to be with them... this fic makes me so. romance. the PROPOSAL..... romance.... and the fucking. adjusting back after being ambushed is smth i think about CONSTANTLY and it makes me. waughh

keep a candle burning at the back of my eyes: SPEARS TAYLORRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! every single one of spears' relationships needs to be put in a museum.  famous and mickey (hehe...) and bright and fucking hell. the section where bright calls spears is like. if i was an actress and i needed to cry on command i would just read that b4 every scene honestly. and the end is so gorgeous and makes me so happy and ARGH. SPEARS.

what a beautiful expansion of the universe of your bright fics, and the overall mood after all of them is attacks you attacks you attacks you. i think you must be some sort of wizard.

this was such a fun zine, and big respect for such an ambitious project. i really enjoyed reading all the different circuits lore and seeing how they connected and were different

have i told you enough times that i love reading snippets of your writing? the answer is no. im repeating myself, but damn seeing your writing like this really hammers home how impactful it is, how much emotion you can convey in these small fragments. the idea of comparing val pedro edric and morrow literally makes me lose it as well, they have such beautiful stories and you have always expressed them so well and reading them presented like this makes my brain go AHH! THEMES!! the formatting is beautiful too, its otherworldly in a way that really adds to the energy of the piece. the last page particularly. hh.

wow i loved the style and the way you put this together. i love hearing peoples thoughts on this sort of thing, and the way you presented them made them so entertaining. your art style is really engaging and colourful, and i loved how each piece stood on its own but also together created something really cool. my favourite was probably the pudge one because it made me laugh, but they were all amazing

i love the style youve used in this one and parts of your season 24 zine its so vibrant and fun to look at. each of these was such a treat, the combo of that really confronting style with all of the depth and history behind each one. my favourite was page 6, the knight triumphant one. it was a very impactful page, and i loved the style of the heart and swords!

wow this is absolutely gorgeous. your style is perfect for the fairy tale vibe, that sketchy look. even just something as simple as how the figures break out of the boxes in the background is so effective. i really enjoyed taking my time with each of them, taking in the details you included. the colouring was so beautifully done, and the palette was so rich. my favourite was probably the third to last, with the scorpion and the mask, but all of them were so wonderful. this was a joy to read, what an amazing work of art!

you know i love this, but im here to use my words and tell you again how much i love this. from the very start with the dedication, i felt like i was holding my breath the whole time, like if i let it out i might interrupt. i loved the art, the switching between these detailed pieces and the stark text. and the TEXT!!! your writing is so slow and beautiful and has such a gentle rhythm to it that makes it so pleasant to read. my favourite is the 7th page i think, the framing of the illustrations, the bit of writing hidden behind that arm that i want so badly to be able to read in full, the first moment of colour we've seen. god. the whole thing is just so stunning and personal and such an honour to be able to read. amazing as always <3

wow, avery. this was so beautiful and personal. i loved the formatting and how it enhanced the text, i loved how subtle and impactful the writing was.

wow this was beautiful! everything about this was so perfectly done and always your art style creates such real and powerful characters. every page was really impactful and tragic in its own special way. and the 'rest easy' by randy DID make me tear up,,

as a certified hellmouth fate zodiac fan, im obsessed with this. i loved the way you formatted it like a brochure, and i had so much fun reading through the different horoscopes. you really nailed the tone of horoscopes while also getting in that special hellmouth Flavour. this was such a cool idea and you executed it so well!

i was SO excited to read this one and it did not let me down. i have so so many knight feelings!! i also liked how you didnt list who wrote what with the section, and i honestly forgot it was an exquisite corpse about halfway through, each section was so cohesive and your styles mesh really well together. their relationship is so… god. its so real and human and messy and you guys have painted such a beautiful picture of it together. and that END!!!! wow

this was so sweet! i loved the formatting, the labels combined with the doodles and the text it has such a nice feeling about it. the idea of a doodles zine is also so great, bc like you said so many more doodly things dont make it out into where more people can see them! so it was so fun to get to see all of these doodles i wouldnt have otherwise. your style is so so cute and gave all of the different players so much character! giving the background on the different pieces was also so nice, it made it a real joy to read and made me appreciate all of the art that much more. the hobbs cain comic was my favourite it really made me laugh lmao. be gross be kind!

i love this zine so much. what a good expression of the chaos of s24, and i love the style, with that really impactful simplicity. something about the first line or two really hits every time i read it? it feels like something from a very particular genre of story, like the kind of thing you would hear around a fire, and the whole thing has a very cool style that really makes me feel like youre leading us through the chaos which is very effective. i love it, and that heart with the swords,, waugh

oh my god this is so impressive! i really enjoyed reading through the rules you have done a really good job with them, and im so excited to have a chance to try this out with some friends :0 what an incredible piece of work - and omg ur drawings are so cute i love your style, it is perfect for this

this was such a fun concept. and im NOT biased bc a bunch of these are players i love, but im sooo impressed with them and how many you did and all of them are so fun and funky, your style is so unique and fun to look at. i was trying to pick a fave but it was impossible so shoutout to borg 2, gia holbrook, harriet gildehaus, neerie mccloud, priya fox and tot best as ones that stood out to me, but theyre all sooo good

this was so wonderful! i loved the collage style and the voice you used in your writing as well. o7, understood, i will not come to the hellmouth