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Thanks for checking it out bushn, it was just my first attempt at Ink and an interactive fiction. Just testing if I could make a submission for a Jam in a day learning Ink. I suck at time management.. lol. Checked out your game, cryptic as hell and that was just great.  Although, I kept getting "bad but not worst" ending repeatedly. Guessing because my pet ferret & cat kept sitting on my keyboard

Oh Man! the "run on browser" part, I'll try again and see. Not sure what I did wrong. I tried like more than 5 times during the Jam, didn't work for some reason. I uploaded the folder with the correct file and had selected play in browser while submission and all, but for some reason it wouldn't play, so then just got fed up and put it as downloadable file.....  thanks for checking it out again :-)

I think you did everything right except you need to make it a .zip file instead of a .rar. Thanks for checking out my game!

did that too :-( but in the window, only the title shows up. No para, interactable line nothing.... just the title and the "made in Ink" line at the top left and the "save"," load", "theme" buttons at the top right. Exported directedly from Ink so maybe there's something I've to figure out. Thanks again.