Love it! It is very addicting. There are some criticisms I have though.
- Make it so you cant have a starter room be entirely locked off. That's way too common.
- Some way to know if a nearby room is a hellvent and make it so starting rooms cant be hellvent rooms. Instantly dying through no fault of your own except for the fact you haven't obtained an item that has a fairly likely chance to not even appear in your run.
- Nerf the dusk troll. Why can it do all of these things? 1.Duplicate more of themselves. 2.Crit you and instantly kill you no matter what amount of health you have. 3. Follow you to other rooms. 4. Deal naturally high levels of damage. Please remove 2 of these things. Having all of them seems a bit much.
- Why does the arch cultist always insta kill? Is that intended? Ive never survived an attack and it has never listed damage. I also have the feeling its not even the final boss.
- Add a chance to actually find items when searching a room i'm pretty sure all it ever does is spawn monsters, traps and secret doors. It feels like the only reason to search is when you need a secret door or want to kill monsters to level up.
- Make it so wickheads don't get an auto attack if you spawn in a room with them.
- Give us info on what all the afflictions do its not listed anywhere I can find. I know what nudist and illiterate do but not anything else.
- There is a glitch where if you pick up a grappling hook after already having one (Now owning two) and then drop one of them it then makes the game act like you don't have one at all.
Also I have a question is the backup mandate meant to always say "documents sealed by that great and dismal deity guaranteeing passage on the wings of the great Two- Headed Basilisk. Passage from the Dying World to the Undying Hereafter. Seems to be a copy of the one you were already holding. Can never have to many I suppose!" even when you only have ever had one. Is this a glitch or is it meant to be a function-less item?