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A member registered Aug 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Provides a background hook for your character class. Similar to how it is done for all other classes.

Ah sorry, it was a chrome bug apparently. I fixed it, let me know if still doesn't work.

It copies the information shown to your clipboard. Open an empty file and paste.

Looks like a swastika snuck into your random gen in the 1st col, 2nd row.

(2 edits)

Ah. I have the opposite intuition. But "slain" is defined as reaching 0HP(pg.13),  not by actually removing(killing) a unit, so it seems like you are right. Still seems tricky on what the intention was.

Blood Rage specifically states that the unit's HP is zero. If the damage can't slay then it does nothing if Blood Rage is active.

Glad you like it :)

Thanks for the suggestion. Done!

Unfortunately my vacation ended earlier than expected. Fortunately that means I was able to get around to doing this sooner!

If you purchased the zine you should bve able to download it as a txt or docx now which just contains the text.


hey, I’m on vacation right now but I’ll definitely do this when i have a chance. It may be a month or two, sorry.

Fixed... arg, most of these bugs are due to Javascript being a butthole of a programming language.

Thanks again for reporting!

Letting you know that last link though the text is "" the hyperlink is "". Might want to update the href to also be "".

Hauntingly concise followed by the most confusing character sheet I've ever seen. Where do I write down all my skills scores?


Fixed the trade bug as well as added a button to stop trading(which I wanted to add from the beginning but never prioritized it)

I investigated the monkey glitch. I know the graphics rendering logic is super wonky and sometimes in rare occurrences it will draw the player twice. I wasn't able to reproduce the specific issue you had but rest assured it is a purely visual glitch and there is only ever a single player in the game code despite what the visuals show. I wish I could track it down and squash it but not sure where it's occurring at this moment. I did fix an error in logic of the monkey following you after punching you out of the room. That no longer happens.

t̷̶h̷̶a̷̶n̷̶k̷̶ y̷̶o̷̶u̷̶

Alright buddy, squashed a bunch more bugs with your help. Thanks as always!

(1 edit)

Fixed it now hopefully. Sorry I didn't really tests the changes too much. Was worried I would botch it up hard and I did :D

I've finally got around to adding the feature, have fun!

yea, thats right. I mention in the description that that it is one of two original mechanics i did not implement (the other being scroll of push letting you kill monsters by pushing them into traps/hell vents/etc)

reason i didn’t implement is because i would need a better UI just to allow targeting  monsters in and out of the room and it could be a little confusing(monsters don’t have unique names, rooms don’t have unique labels, etc)

i can try and implement it when i have some time, but that wont be for a few weeks as I’m currently on vacation ;) ill make a dev post if/when i add it to the game. No promises though, i have an idea for a proper game in this style that i will most likely be working on instead of continuing doing anything with DNGNCRWL.

(2 edits)

thanks for this detailed comment. Almost all the questions you have are answered by reading the source material for this game which is linked in the game description. Since you put effort in writing this up ill give a quick reason for each point you’ve listed but just as a pre amble it mostly boils down to “because thats the way its works in BASILISK!”.

1. everything is randomly generated so this will always be an issue. I agree that there is a pretty high chance of this occurring but remember you have essentially 5 lives and its very quick to roll a new dungeon if you feel its unfair. I could fix this but won’t since it’s not worried about in the source text
2. Almost same as above. It’s part of the brutal nature of RNG. if my maths are right, there is 2.5% of hellvent occurring in any room which seems fine. If its a huge problem it can be combatted by leveling up AGI and getting luckier on rolls.
3. Firstly dusk troulls are tough monsters so they are supposed to be, well, tough. i. This is the unique feature of the monster ii. They cannot instantly crit anymore than any other creature. This can be alleviated by getting more STR or PRE depending on the weapon you are using. iii. All monster have a chance of following you. You can increase evasion by leveling up AGI iv. Its damage die is d6 which is actually mid tier damage.

With all that being said my tip for the troull is just try to run away or kill it before it spawns a friend. Running away is always the better option, alternatively use an item that deals damage without invoking a response (ie. bombs/ poison)
4. The arch cultist does not always insta kill. Every time he hits you have to pass a TOU test or die. He is essentially the last fight in the game and is punishingly so. Again try to use attacks that dont provoke responses before engaging in normal combat or level up TOU to have better luck on saves. He is not the final boss but is the final “fight”
5. You are 100% correct and thats how the rules are in the source text.
6. Just like traps, wick heads may or may not get a sneak attack on you depending on PRE check. Level up PRE if you want to have a better chance against them!
7. Cruel cannot keep pets and pariah prevents any trading with merchants.
8. This is actually a glitch. Good find, ill fix it next time im at my computer which may be a few weeks unfortunately.

Backup mandates are for the final encounter in the game. The encounter is RNG heavy and the backup item is meant to help with that. From the source text each character starts the dungeon with a mandate and it is not listed as equipment which i agree can be confusing.

In summary this was a quick project that i coded basically following BASILISK! Rules verbatim and under the assumption that you either read that text if you want to understand the systems or figure them out by playing the game and failing a lot which is kind of the old school way of doing things which is the vibe both the source text and this game are going for. It seems like you actually did a pretty good job figuring out what is happening behind the scenes all by yourself but im sorry to hear that it was more frustrating than enjoyable. Hopefully the new info helps out a lot and you can give it another go and meet the basilisk!

Dark rooms always use a random exit unless `Boggle-Eyed`. It would randomly select from existing doorways so yeah a secret door would be unusable without that BOON. I think I'll leave it this way :) The solution is: find a way to get `Boggle-Eyed`, good luck :)

(1 edit)

It's possible that the new monster is just the same type as the one you just killed. I've adjusted it so that the new monster will always be different to avoid confusion. Thanks for the report!

Fixed that bug now too :) Thanks for the reports and glad you enjoyed it. I want to expand this and turn it into a proper little game with sound/gfx in the coming months.

Thanks for letting me know, fixed the bug :)