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I think one assumption of this adventure that you may not have noted in the assumptions section is that there is only one player, controlling a preset character.

The portrait of Dhouki looks like an AI-twisted Paddington. Is that intentional? :)

Hi there, thanks for the comments.

On the first, the second paragraph says that it's for a vargr character and although there is a preset,  strictly, it doesn't have to be him and could be your own.  The only important thing is that he's on the run with various factions interested in chasing him down.  But you're right, it could have been stated more clearly as it's not until the prologue text in the adventure itself that you really find this out.  I assume I can edit the text, so I'll do so - thank you.

As for the second, yes and no.  The image was created by an AI art program from prompts aiming to generate a vargr and was posted over on a Traveller art Facebook page.  There the likeness to a shady brother of Paddington was noted.  As I have no artistic ability, had nothing else to illustrate the adventure, and found (which is new to me) rather wanted one, I asked the original poster if I could use the image and he was amenable.  While I could have lived without him looking *quite* so much like Paddington, I rather like the rough hewn look  and the hat pulled low to hide some of his features!