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(1 edit)

I'm sorry to report that I was unable to properly test this. It kept resetting to morning before I could make any progress, without advancing the days. I think maybe my stamina was running down to 0. But I was doing my best, so maybe you just need to reduce the rate that the stamina depletes and then it will be more ready for testing. Keep in mind that the player doesn't immediately know what to do, like you do. It takes time to look around and figure things out. I could barely get an axe crafted before it reset and I had to start over.

I do think this could be fun, though. It looks like a perfect format for a new innovative story to be told, like how Portal turned a FPS game into a story-driven puzzler. I can imagine the pocket messiah might be your friend at first and then become gradually more abusive in a liminal-horror sort of way.

It's too early to call this general idea a winner or a loser for me. I think you might need to make the first steps of it filled in a little more before committing or abandoning it.

Thank you very much for your feedback! I will issue a patch asap which fixes the most glaring technical issues that some have reported and adds some in-game hints so people know what to do.