Good stuff! Love these mechanics, they work pretty well. With my personal tastes, this game gets just a bit too frustrating at times; if there was a threshold for the perfect amount of challenge/difficulty, I think some levels go just a bit further beyond that magic spot. Giving some sections/platforms just a touch more room on some of the harder areas would really help a lot. When you're able to throw something as the gorilla, it's very difficult to tell where he's going to throw, even just adding a basic aim reticle (no throw arc needed) would help this tremendously
This game is nice and polished, but I think you'd might want to get some different SFX for the animals, they sound a bit "recorded on a laptop at 3am"-ish, if that makes sense haha. I figure that and music are being added in later, so it's no biggie for now. Overall, this one's pretty interesting, I can see rage game fans liking this one!