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Did you even read my comment?
1. I played until the audience was the size of Wyoming. That's not 30 people. That's 500,000 people.
2. What's with this strangely defensive/hostile tone? I said I liked your game, dude. I also asked you how I could better enjoy it, and thanked you.
3. The guy below me had literally the same issues and questions I did. Learn how to take constructive feedback.

Just to clarify, it was not me (the dev) who responded to you. That was just another player.

I appreciate the feedback and I’m happy you enjoyed the game, although it is not being developed anymore.

so you see, the joke was that wyoming has so few people that making up an arbitrarly low number and saying that the population is said number is funny. 

(1 edit)

Actually, you’re reading into it than I intended. I looked up the smallest state by population, and got Wyoming with 563767 people, which is the value used in the game. It’s probably a different population today, but it wasn’t arbitrary.

Edit: sorry, I see that you’re clarifying that your original message was a joke. Carry on