Some nice abilities and interesting challenges to throw at the player, but I ended up bugged out and couldn't finish.
- The acquired powerups/skills are actually pretty cool and feel very impactful.
- The enemy designs each offer something new to the experience and their individual execution is done well.
- The overall experience felt very cohesive between the music, movement, and the visuals so it felt like a unified product.
- The individual enemies are executed well, but they get spawned in such random and massive quantities that it just turns into an enemy spam often and I don't get to feel player agency dealing with the individual threats of any one enemy with so many in the room.
- The movement skills feel powerful, but some feel like they were made intentionally overpowered to counter the massive quantities of enemies. The sword as an example is basically a win button if you just spam it through the rooms. I'm not saying "make it feel bad", but if it completely negates enemy threat then it removes a big portion of things you've done well (enemy designs in this case) from the player's experience.
- I often ran quickly through rooms so it was easy for me to get lost about where I was in the overall map. Other than "I had just gotten the 'Q' skill" I couldn't tell you where anything was by the end of my experience.
- I bugged out after several deaths while attempting to return upwards after acquiring the 'Q' skill to grapple. I somehow ended up respawning before my body had finished dying or something and had multiple iterations of the player character moving and responding to my controls at once.