At first I was at a loss with what to start with. Story or designing the assets and coding a prettier background?? But once I laid out a general outline of places/hints/clues I wanted them to hit, I started writing out the narration! So I guess I had my starting point.
One of the biggest worries was how to narrate this entire thing. Most games I see like this have a second person style that gives the reader a sense of inclusion. "You pointed at an object" "You clicked here." But I wanted a bit more- unchangeable story? A sort of bottleneck plotline where there's different choices at certain concrete nodes. And I wanted to give Pir a strong voice separate from the player. So we'll see how that goes 'v')>
I really do love having the linkreplacer macro move through dialogue in one page though! I feel it sets a good pace for observations and tone. I need to research how to get a button replaced by regular text though. Like having an action button that says "pick up scissors" that when clicked- changes to a text that says "Scissors grabbed!" or the like.