Thanks for the positive review. I had a go at text and sprite tweens before the jam ended but there isn't much you can do with those really when you look at the commands I.e. change color, size and angle. It probably needs like a full blown tween editor to be useful, but tweens is on the list. Just got to work out how I can make it useful.
The sin/cos part is something I always forget or have trouble with, I don't normally orbit something continuously but I was hoping it would help someone, and maybe myself in the future. I thought the waves would be useful for flying games or space games where the enemy ships move in a wave across the screen.
The particles editor is no doubt the most useful part so far.
As for the UI, it's not OryUI as that was designed for mobiles. The UI shown was built from scratch within the jam time, but is super messy codewise, and would be a nightmare to keep working with so I'm currently rewriting the UI so that I can at least rebuild the playground app again and add in the new stuff alot easier.