Thanks for playing and rating! I'm so glad you enjoyed, and truly appreciate the detailed feedback.
A few words about that little "A door has opened in Celestine's section" message: I spent a lot of time on the UX/UI. Because the level is large and complicated, I thought about using a minimap... a compass pointing in the general direction of developments... and other solutions. In the end, I decided that a verbal narration would work pretty well, since the characters are named. You can still see the red "ping" box, which was my original method for drawing attention to unfolding events, but it's not all that useful because 9 times out of 10, the action is offscreen.
Thanks for going through the bugs!
The curtain line is a long story. I neglected to fix it until I ran out of time.
As for the burning obstacle: I agree, that ended up taking too long. I'll simplify after the jam. Note that those aren't pieces of wood, though. They are people cocooned in silk. :)
The platform collision issue has been reported by other players... I don't know exactly what causes it, but I think I might know how to make it go away anyway.
That weird barrel behavior is not supposed to happen, ha! That's what I get for allowing Unity's Physics2D to handle anything at all instead of coding it myself. :)