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So much to like. The asthetics are fantastic. I love the attitude. I was so looking forward to the game loop, but my over all experience was it put me in a foul mood. With a mouse I found it too punishing to be fun. Now I am sure to a certain extent that is down to being an old man and my reactions slowing down, but I am not sure that's quite it. More often than not I was going the right way and just overshooting by a fraction. I am sure with time that would get better. The issue is not whether I would get better, the issue is would I want to get better and the answer suprised me. I have quite a lot of staying power usually but for some reason in this instance I just did not want to after 5 minutes of frustration. I think it is a reward vs frustration issue that could have been solved with a gradually shrinking hit box or something like that. If each run started of a little gentler and then quickly ramped up you would have had me I am sure. As it stands I just got properly pissed off and left in a strop. Love the music, it made me think of Cannabault and the many lost hours I had dying in that. That I guess is what I am comparing the difficulty ramp to I suppose, gently to frantic on a gradient, in this case generous target to precise target. I wanted to love it and actually I do, but just not as a playing experience. I wouldn't have written all this is it was bad, I've written this because it is fantastic but I wasn't let in. I'd imagine touch makes all the difference and will check it out on the phone at some point. kudos


Thank you for your feedback! The game was supposed to be hard, but if you're frustrated, there is the easy mode. 

Hey thanks for pointing out there was a different mode. I had thought about it just forgot that pressing 'r' was an option to check. I have updated my rating now that I got to see the full thing and complete it. Having played it through on easy, now there is no challenge at all and I think the essence of my feedback still stands. The speed could ramp up over time, the target to click could shrink over time etc. I think this would have made the game loop pretty addictive for me. Easy was too dull for me and normal made me angry. That was with me loving everything else that was going on. The level design, the artwork, everything else awesome. That's why I would bother to write the feedback in the first place I guess. I am capable of loving this game and it suprises me that the simple act of clicking outside of a button would be enough to take the fun away from me. So none of this is a criticism more just a reflection on an experience I don't quite understand why I am having.