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This game has promise, but is very lacking. The game should really just have normal and hard difficulties as the easy takes away your weapon which actually makes things a little harder. While the characters are nice and the option buttons are clear, the contrast between the background and the platforms is very low, making it difficult to see the platforms if they don't have enemies or spikes. I would often find myself walking off the edges of the platforms even when I pressed the jump button and heard the sound effect for it. Lastly, there's no actual use of the focus of multi-use. While you have a single potion in the game that you can choose to use for speed or jump, it is impossible to win if you choose speed instead of jump as there is then a jump you cannot make if you upgraded your jump. There also seems to be no use of the theme of turn up the heat, so the fact that the required theme isn't actually being used makes it not seem to fit the game jam itself.

The use of the theme turn up the heat is that you choose your game's intensity :(