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It made me remember Every day the same day, in both style and content, although it is a different story in your case, of course.

I believe i hit a bug in the second day: it said it was time to go home, but when i left the office the game did not allow me to go neither left or right, claiming he was late for work, but trying to reenter the office just told me to go back tomorrow.

I do not remember the exact steps i took, but i think that the first day i went home by bus, the next morning the bus left me in front of the office but i decided to try going away, getting the “late for work” complain. Entered successfully into the office, tried to talk to the boss, then went to the printer —i did not realize i had to read the note before starting my daily work, and i went another route first—, told be it was a “blinking machine”, back to the desk, read the note, wrote the “2,000 words”, the printer jammed, kicked the shit of it, the boss did not told me the cost would be deducted from my pay, and that’s when the player told himself the day is over and could not return home or the office again. Had to restart.

The second run, did not encounter the bug and could reach the end.

I enjoyed the experience, bugs notwithstanding.

Ahh that's so interesting! I had a couple of friends point out the same bug which is so interesting!

Thank you so much for the detailed feedback, I really appreciate it! Also had never heard of every day the same day but I'm thoroughly enjoying that now also.