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Thanks for your feedback ! :)

I believe there's an impact on game performances when we scale up the player too much. Perhaps every calculation begins to be more intensive on the engine due to high coordinates, large numbers, etc.
Also, as you say, there's also the feeling that things move slower once the camera moves back / player is larger but still moves at same speed.

Actually, we even wondered if we should slow down a bit the player once it's bigger, but we quickly realized there already was a slowness feeling induced from the scaling up / dezoom.

I didn't really see it as a problem, but I understand it can be seen as one ^^

Thanks, I must say I'm starting to love adding these comic-like dialogs in our games too :)

I believe there's an impact on game performances when we scale up the player too much.

This would be my guess: for matrix images, this is a mouthful to process. I can think of two solutions:

  1. Replace this round character by vectorial graphics (I am thinking discs) and shaders (because both of these techniques are designed as faster to process);
  2. Trick: reduce everything else instead of enlarging the player. Since you used a zoom out, this would be equivalent to a viewer, I think. :)

Oh, thanks :)

Both solutions seem quite clever indeed !