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There are some neat ideas in here, but it's in a really rough state at this point that feels like a tech or mechanics demo. The music is pretty catchy and the sounds aren't bad, but the art is a clashing mix of good, polished drawings, rough concepts, and art that seems to come from a different game entirely. The UI is pretty sharp, but has a few issues like the info boxes for enemies being ambiguously positioned.

Given that it feels like a mechanics demo, I'll focus on the mechanics. It's not clear what the different abilities do: what's the difference between Damage 2M and Damage 2P? I think the biggest issue, though, is that the core mechanic that's supposed to be demonstrated never really comes into play here. The first battle only has Era, and in the second two, Rosemary is so overpowered that the battle is over in a few turns anyway. I never felt the need to swap order or rewind character state, and to be honest I'm still not sure how they're actually going to be useful. From that point of view, this demo is kind of a wash because it doesn't really demonstrate that innovative core mechanic.

I don't like being a downer, and I don't want this to come across as harsh. I had fun with this game, I really liked some of the art, and I think the ideas in it have potential.

Yes, this is still the tech demo as of v0.2.0 unfortunately. I’ve been working on properly setting skills and stats to balance each fight, I’ll try to upload this new version today.

As you noticed, there were several artists involved + free assets to complete enemies, in order to reduce the workload of each. Don’t expect too much improvement on this side though, as the artists are not in capacity to draw further sprites after the jam. For the same reason, it’s unlikely we get animated sprites in the future. I can however fix the most obvious issues myself, coloring the black & white so it doesn’t look too drafty. I also thought about some tricks to make the art more consistent by playing on colors and outlines, but there’s not much I can do about shapes and style itself.

I also noticed the enemy info box being too close to each other, I’ll see what I can do.