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(3 edits) (+1)

You killed it with the artstyle and the soundtrack slaps!

After wave 11 there was not really much to do other than watching the enemies get trashed. Maybe you could implement some kind of attacking enemy that deals damage to the turrets, so the player has to replace them from time to time? Also it would be nice if there would be some kind of indicator when the first wave is going to hit.

Great job :)

You read my mind exactly. I would have also like to have made more variation to the enemies and towers but I overestimated how much i could get done so I had to scrap a lot of the content. I'm very glad you enjoyed the game tho! and maybe I'll do some updates in the future

Haha that would be awesome, I'll keep an eye on it.

Also just wanted to point out that unplanting lvl 3 plants, planting a new one in the same spot and then upgrading it directly takes it from lvl 1 to lvl 3 (likely not on purpose).


You are correct i did notice that but i thought nobody would notice and i could get away with it XD.