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A member registered Mar 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thats really weird, I've tried it on a few different machines and never had this problem.
Maybe I messed something up during exporting.

Thanks for the heads-up!

Hey hey, thank you for your detailed feedback! The slowing down of the game is puzzling me, but I will get to the bottom of this!
Apart from that, my personal best score was 430 (-ish), so you bested me! Good job :)

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Ah yes I totally see where you are coming from. I played a lot of Dorfromantik lately (a tile based card game), which does not have a real goal either other than getting the highest score possible, so I thought I could get away with it as well :) I just wanted it to be very chill without putting too much pressure on the player, so I made the robin way less aggressive than originally intended.

next time I'll try to come up with a more engaging solution.
thank you for playing and for your helpful feedback!

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Ah no worries, I am here for the feedback!
Writing extremely small is a bad habit of mine, I'll definetely keep that in mind for future projects.

Are you specifically talking about the Instruction-manual ingame? If that is the case, the very same text can be found on the games page, so you can read all about it there (in way bigger font). Hopefully that helps.

thx for playing

whops my bad

cute little game :) probably a reset button would be needed, since I got my pumpkin stuck in a corner on my first try. Also the win-screen appears even without the pumpkin actually being present at the goal

nice idea! I would love to watch someone play my game, if you are down for a round of cards.

thank you very much fellow jammer :D

The artstyle is really nice and like others have said the flying feels really good. I do wish that wasd-movement would be supported. Also a counter or something like that would be nice to keep track of ones progress and to know how many honey-drops are left would be nice.

great job, keep it up :)

I never did any kind of game jam before let alone finish a game, so it feels quiet nice to have accomplished something :)
Also i have never done a card game before, and getting the feel of drawing and playing cards right was kinda tideous but worth it in the end.

the encounter music seriously slaps

Haha that would be awesome, I'll keep an eye on it.

Also just wanted to point out that unplanting lvl 3 plants, planting a new one in the same spot and then upgrading it directly takes it from lvl 1 to lvl 3 (likely not on purpose).

(3 edits)

You killed it with the artstyle and the soundtrack slaps!

After wave 11 there was not really much to do other than watching the enemies get trashed. Maybe you could implement some kind of attacking enemy that deals damage to the turrets, so the player has to replace them from time to time? Also it would be nice if there would be some kind of indicator when the first wave is going to hit.

Great job :)

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I loved the whacky characters, especially the one wanting to be complimented :D

It was kind of annoying that the camera kept spinning ever so slightly without moving the mouse, and sometimes the "got-item"-screens glitched in and out of the mortal realm.

But apart from that a very cozy and wholesome game, good job!

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The artstyle is very nice, I especially love the depth of field that you used!

Apart from this the gameplay is a little bit dull? Hitting a key near every tree gets kinda tideous very quickly, maybe you could make it more interesting by somehow automating this step, so the gameplay is more about exploring the city and finding every tree rather than slowly working your way through tapping every piece of greenery individually (or maybe combine them into groups).

Dashing etc. would also make much more sense if the humans would just always get scared by the goat, since converting a tree without being seen is not too difficult.

Nonetheless you did a great job!

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The artstyle is beautiful and the music nicely done!

It would be nice if the refill station for the watering can would have any sort of notification on how to refill the can. Also it would probably be benefitial for the player to be able to see the whole area on the screen to have a better overview of the pumpkins states, rather than only seing a zoomed in portion.

good hob :)

nice game!

I love the unique circular move-system. The music is also quiet catchy and the graphics highly polished. great job.

Short but charming :) I love the bold colors of your assets.

The background sounds seem a bit off, and since you need the mouse to interact with the gui, the sipping mechanic should probably also be tied to the mouse instead of the arrow keys.

nice job

PS: when exporting your game from godot for windows, there is a "embed pck" option if you want it to be just a standalone .exe-file (I just found that out during this jam as well).

Your game looks and feels amazing! I love the artstyle and chats with the scarecrow, also the sun setting a little bit more after each chapter was a very nice touch.

The controls sometimes feel a little bit stiff (but I think thats almost always the case with gb studio) and I think in the end there might be horses or something like that missing in front of the hay ride.

Other than that awesome job! Really enjoyed this one.

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Nice music and general feel, also great job with the artwork :)

It would be nice if there would be multiple objects on  the screen at once to catch or evade. Right now it is a bit frustrating when you are simply to far away from the apple to catch it (since the fall velocity is quiet hefty) and there is nothing else to do other than watching it fall. On the other hand it is kinda easy to avoid the leafs since there can only be one at a time.

Also the controls of the basket could be a bit snappier.