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Hello, sometimes on Linux when I download video with more than 4 streams after 3rd or later stream is downloaded it remains with "message catalog (text/vnd.trolltech.linguist)" media file type. It has size of completely downloaded file, but none of media players can recognize it as media file. Is there any Linux utility which could "finalize" this file conversion into "MPEG-2 transport stream (video/mp2t)"? If this is not possible is there a possibility via additional parameter in the command line to specify only specific stream to download instead of downloading every stream from first to last?


It happens to me too when the R18 video is split in 3 or 4 parts. The last one is corrupted most likely because the R18 session to access the movie is expired.

Delete the bad file. Get an update cookie file of the movie and re-run the same command. Jav-it will detect part 1, 2, 3... are already on disk until it reach the part that is not downloaded.