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A member registered Dec 23, 2021

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You need to install "Get cookies.txt" plugin for Chrome.

Is the jav-it.exe in the same folder as the batch file you try to launch?

If it is, right-click > Properties on jav-it.exe. Under Attributes, make sure it does not display a message that the file is coming from a different computer. There should be a button to allow it.

You need the cookie from the tab where the movie you want to download is running. Not from the homepage or your library. You can pause the movie once you have the cookie.

It happens to me too when the R18 video is split in 3 or 4 parts. The last one is corrupted most likely because the R18 session to access the movie is expired.

Delete the bad file. Get an update cookie file of the movie and re-run the same command. Jav-it will detect part 1, 2, 3... are already on disk until it reach the part that is not downloaded.

You are using PowerShell. You need to put .\jav-it to launch the exe. Also, the options are called with a "/", not a "-" (in the non-patreon version I have).

PS > .\jav-it download /c r18.com_cookies.txt /i soe195 /o c:\downloaded