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(4 edits) (+1)

The graphics and UX is insanely good. Are there plans on creating a studio mode for VN creators? I could see a studio mode being popular, as a standalone, or DLC for devs. Especially, if there are a decent amount of landscapes/areas/backgrounds, main character/male customizations, multiple actors in scenes, lighting controls, additional clothing, a more robust body posing system, and built in 60fps 1080p-4k video render export capability. Damn cool so far. Can't wait to see where this goes.

My only gripes, female actor walking animation is very rigid. Had to go fullscreen to adjust resolution to 4k. At 4k with DLSS disabled, I'm getting like 24fps with an RTX 2080. DLSS enabled with performance mode, I'm getting 60ish, with drastic dips after ending a "scene" and returning to the first person view of the house. I have a few different systems (gtx 1070, rx470, and mobile 3050ti) to test at lower resolutions, I'll try to report back performance on those at 1080p.

Test Rigs:

Nvidia RTX 2080 (latest drivers-clean installed), Ryzen 5 3600, 16GB ddr4 3000: Playable at 4k with DLSS performance mode, all other settings on ultra.

AMD RX 470 (latest drivers-clean installed), AMD FX 6300, 8GB of ddr3 1600: playable at 1080p (but variable resolution needed), custom settings, lighting low, anti-aliasing low, variable resolution on, high geometry, high detail).

AMD RX 460 2GB (latest drivers-clean installed), Ryzen 1500 Pro, 16GB ddr4 266: playable at 1080p (but variable resolution needed), custom settings, textures high, shaders medium, lighting low, anti-aliasing low, variable resolution on, high geometry, high detail). I did notice some really bizarre geometry glitches on the couch scene. The default character had inverted knees and butt in part of the pose.

(edited to add performance metrics)