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I've been on a little indie yandere VN kick recently, but this one in particular convinced me that I had to make an account to leave a comment about how much I loved it. The summary is not lying! This game is darker than most of the other yandere VNs I've played, which is perfect for me, because I'm very into that.

First of all, the art is really nice. The character sprites all look attractive, and they all have multiple expressions which enhance the story and are just fun to look at overall. My favorites have to be Sebastian's childishly happy and smug expressions, and Brandon's evil smirk. Not so coincidentally, Sebastian and Brandon happen to be my favorite characters.

I find the amount of content and playtime available in the demo extremely impressive. The routes were longer than I'm used to for most indie otome VNs I've played, but I really enjoyed that fact! The choices lead to drastically different situations and consequences, which makes me feel like they have impact and provide fresh, new content. After that, there are the other characters, plus plenty of endings, PLUS side-stories - so that totals even MORE content (not even including the different worlds that are planned).  I really want to stress the amount of time, work and love that I can tell has been put into this game, just from seeing the sheer size and breadth of it. I spent a good day playing (but not finishing!) the demo, and it was a day well spent. Just because it's large doesn't mean it shirks on quality, though! I always felt entertained and was never bored by the routes and choices I experienced. The writing, music and sfx all worked together fantastically.  I will definitely be replaying to unlock more scenes, and I'll be checking back for updates too!

If my friends were into the same things I am, I would definitely recommend this game to them! I'd love for more people to find it. In fact, I find it borderline CRIMINAL that this VN hasn't received the amount attention I think it deserves!