I love interactive fiction and the yandere tag excites me! The writing so far is really nice and explains the premise very well. I've only known Azrael for two seconds but I like him already! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone else! I'll totally be keeping an eye on this game! ^^
Recent community posts
No problem at all! I'm glad you're fine with my wordiness because I love to blab.
I really enjoyed your game! Thank you so much for making it. I'm super looking forward to future updates and I'll definitely play them ASAP, but take your time! Rather than giving games like these a chance, I feel like I'm the lucky one because I have a chance to play them :')
I wish you good luck with the development of the game and all of your future endeavors! :D
I think I must have spent 2 hours straight just trying out all the routes and Easter eggs in this game. And when I was done I felt compelled to immediately scroll through the entire tumblr looking for more Pierrot content. This game quickly established itself as one of my favorite yandere vns! The length, unique cast of characters, variety of choices, interesting setting and nice visuals make this a very satisfying demo to play and gives a lot to enjoy and chew on! Just from the demo, I'm already invested. I'd highly recommend playing this game if you enjoy yanderes and shady, mysterious circumstances! I hope you enjoy it, and Pierrot (best boy), as much as I do! :)
(Spoilers below)
The first thing I need to talk about is the characters. It was extremely unfair how quickly Pierrot endeared himself to me. His cute hairstyle, reassuring smile and trustworthy "I'm on your side" personality (carefully maintained to hide the full extent of his attachment) are all big hits with me. I had already lost the battle from the first moment I saw him, he can do whatever he wants with my car. Another thing I like from him is what I'd describe as subtle clinginess- or a pushiness that doesn't seem pushy. He is always in your space but it seems like he's good-naturedly doing you a favor and hanging out with you because you need him. There's some subtleties to his behavior that I didn't notice the first time I played. I didn't notice how lukewarm his reactions were when I chose to bring up or hang out with other characters, and how he'd smile when I refused others' company. I really like small details like that which I could easily miss if I didn't play a second time!
Before this just becomes a Pierrot review I must mention the other main characters. They all have distinct and unique personalities, which I think is great, and all of them are likeable! I like Columbina second best and Arlecchino is also cool, but I would be down to hang out with everyone. It's also cool how they all have established relationships with one another, which is very realistic. Since I am a drama enjoyer, I can't wait to see them all wrassle later on in the name of love and jealousy.
I really enjoy the setting! The fact that we're in an enclosed facility and have had our regular life upended introduces a forced reliance on other characters who may or may not be well-meaning, which causes a lot of interesting dynamics and tension. I like that the setting is different from your average town or city. Those are nice too! But places that are different with a different set of rules are extra exciting! I like the set up of the disease as well. I feel like it nicely explains why these yanderes are all grouped up together and why they will behave the way they do.
When it comes to choices, I felt like there were an appropriate amount of them! There were enough choices to make me feel involved and immersed in the story, and I liked replaying and choosing all the different ones to see what I could learn (I don't do that for every game). The fact that there are unlockable different routes even in the demo is pretty impressive!
I always like to mention length. Including all the routes and easter eggs, that's quite a lot of content! I did say I took a couple of hours to play through it all. I feel like this demo gave me a really good bite of the world and characters, and made me feel full and satisfied with the experience. Of course, I'm always eager to learn more, though.
There's a lot of CGs in this demo. A lot! I really wasn't expecting so many. If I'm not mistaken, every character has at least one CG, and I believe most of them have more than one. This game is chock full of art, and I know that must have taken a lot of work, not to mention all the story writing and programming on the side. Even the side characters have sprites and interactions, that just screams high-effort to me.
The last thing I have to say is that the creator deserves a lot of appreciation for their time and hard work on this game! Thank you for the experience! I'm desperately looking forward to more and I really want to see more Pierrot but I will be super patient and wait as long as it takes. Take care of yourself first!
The pleasure's all mine! Thank you so much for letting us experience such a cool game.
I'm pleased as punch to hear that there are plans for a second game, and that Tris will be available in it!!!!!!! I absolutely don't want to miss out on that!
I'll be scouring through the tumblr right away. Have a great break! You earned it! :D
(Spoilers below)
In terms of the art, Griffin is really stinkin' cute! I think it's the little curl of hair in front of his face, it's so charming. I like when he gets flustered, smiles and blushes. He's very charismatic, and does a good job coming across as a kind, gentlemanly, normal guy. There are little hints of suspicious behavior, though, which I greatly enjoy. I'm also drawn to Tris. I'm not certain if he will be a romantic interest. I hope he might be, but I understand if that wasn't intended to be part of the game. The other characters are pretty likeable in their own ways! There's no one I don't want to befriend and learn more about.
I always love customization and interaction, so I like that there are lots of little choices here and there. The fact that they may shape the story and result in consequences later down the line is exciting to me. I am also thrilled by the prospect of the game being designed to provoke anxiety. I can't wait to see how everything plays out, and how my choices come back to bite me.
My favorite scene in the extended demo is when Griffin and Tris meet. I live for the drama. I like seeing a yandere interacting with other characters, I hope I get to watch how he behaves around everyone else too. Of course, I liked the nsfw scene a lot as well. :)
The length of the demo was pretty impressive in my opinion. I like longer experiences, and this demo didn't feel too short to me. Plus, there was a lot of interesting stuff happening in the plot, so I was captivated the whole way!
I'm very curious to know what happens next, so I'll definitely be keeping up with this lovely game. Great work and thank you for the experience!
(Contains spoilers)
A really good game! I very much enjoyed it. First of all, everything looks really good. The UI and graphics are all very polished and appropriately cute. Of course, the Blythes also look so adorable that I have no choice but to let them into my heart and home. I like how they each have different expressions, which contributes to their individuality. The way that their expressions change throughout a single line reading makes the visuals a lot more dynamic and lively as well.
I am a big fan of the dynamic between the two Blythes. I always love to see multiple yanderes interacting and fighting with each other, as cruel as it may be to toy with their feelings like that. I feel like the competition reveals new facets of their character and causes their tendencies to escalate.
I tend to like more assertive and domineering yanderes, so blue Blythe is my favorite out of the two. While his route isn't available yet, it just made me all the more giddy when he showed up unexpectedly during orange Blythe's route. Orange Blythe is not without his own merits, though! There were several moments where I felt emotionally moved by him. His affection and enthusiasm are palpable and infectious. I like the habit he has of repeating phrases. I've never thought about it before, but it's super cute.
My favorite ending has to be Bad End 3. It's everything I expect and enjoy from a yandere scenario. I appreciate the very cool tricks and effects that occur after getting this ending, it really brings the experience to the next level. I also liked Neutral End 01, which was my first ending. I liked hearing orange Blythe's after-ending monologue, which put a darker spin on what was a pretty wholesome experience up until that point. It's always interesting to see inside the head of a yandere, and to expose the darkness lurking under his very cute veneer.
I also appreciate the walkthrough. I'm pretty bad at intuiting which options should lead to different endings, so the walkthrough helped a lot with allowing me to appreciate everything the game has to offer.
All in all, it's a super worthwhile game to play, with a ton of effort put into it. Cute and deranged bunny boys, what's not to like? I'm looking forward to blue Blythe's route, and according to a comment I saw, he will get worse! Woohoo! I'm very excited to see exactly how low he can and will go. Thanks so much for your hard work, Melancholy Marionette, Lazy Polar Bear and all the VAs! Take your time, and I will be so happy to pick up blue Blythe's update when it's ready!
Review, may contain spoilers
Wow. This game is genuinely a treasure. I am grateful to have stumbled upon it by chance and I dread to think of a reality where I did not click on it! Of course, I am grateful to the writer even more so for making this wonderful work.
I didn't expect to enjoy this game so much when I first started. I'm not normally drawn to supernatural plots and I prefer my romance front and center, whereas it seemed quite slow-burn throughout Season 1 (perhaps this is due to Chris's route in particular). However, the quality and amount of writing really impressed me enough to keep going. I'm sure the professional-looking UI also did its part to reel me in.
One of the most delightful parts of the game is the customization and flexibility. I love choices, and lots of them. They are one of the most important parts of interactive fiction for me. This game includes a shocking amount of choice. I felt as if I was getting a choice every other page, maybe. When given this much choice, a player really begins to feel like they are involved in and changing the story, which is a wonderful feeling. The customizable appearance, gender, romance and background options are great. I also enjoyed the little stats menu to the right, it makes me happy to see how my choices shape the character.
While Season 1 impressed me, Season 2 had me enamored. The characters were all likeable to the point that I cared deeply about cultivating my relationships in this game. I wanted to be friends with and side with everyone, while also trying to do the right thing or what I thought was safest. The story did a good job of making that hard at times. I felt like the stakes really picked up and some scenarios actually left me sweating about my choices and feeling guilty even after I put the game down. That sort of lingering emotion induced by a game is priceless, I think. It was hard, by the way, to put the game down. I was perpetually on the edge of my seat, always wondering what was coming next.
The romance is blooming in Season 2, which I appreciate greatly. I've only experienced Chris and Zillah's romantic routes, so I can only speak on those. The scenes are touching and sweet (or spicy) when they need to be, but not without complexity or drama to keep things fresh and interesting. Zillah is absolutely magnetic and hands down my favorite, I can't wait to see how Roe and his relationship develops further. Also, Zillah and Chris bickering is hilarious and thrilling.
Overall, such a fantastic experience. I'm highly anticipating Season 3. I know that the writer will make it worth it, though I feel like they've already spoiled me with how good the game is already. I wish them the best of luck with their work and all the happiness!
I've been on a little indie yandere VN kick recently, but this one in particular convinced me that I had to make an account to leave a comment about how much I loved it. The summary is not lying! This game is darker than most of the other yandere VNs I've played, which is perfect for me, because I'm very into that.
First of all, the art is really nice. The character sprites all look attractive, and they all have multiple expressions which enhance the story and are just fun to look at overall. My favorites have to be Sebastian's childishly happy and smug expressions, and Brandon's evil smirk. Not so coincidentally, Sebastian and Brandon happen to be my favorite characters.
I find the amount of content and playtime available in the demo extremely impressive. The routes were longer than I'm used to for most indie otome VNs I've played, but I really enjoyed that fact! The choices lead to drastically different situations and consequences, which makes me feel like they have impact and provide fresh, new content. After that, there are the other characters, plus plenty of endings, PLUS side-stories - so that totals even MORE content (not even including the different worlds that are planned). I really want to stress the amount of time, work and love that I can tell has been put into this game, just from seeing the sheer size and breadth of it. I spent a good day playing (but not finishing!) the demo, and it was a day well spent. Just because it's large doesn't mean it shirks on quality, though! I always felt entertained and was never bored by the routes and choices I experienced. The writing, music and sfx all worked together fantastically. I will definitely be replaying to unlock more scenes, and I'll be checking back for updates too!
If my friends were into the same things I am, I would definitely recommend this game to them! I'd love for more people to find it. In fact, I find it borderline CRIMINAL that this VN hasn't received the amount attention I think it deserves!