Here's a bit of a review, since the rate function doesn't leave them public. Summarized thoughts at the bottom.
It's very good. Fair warning to any comers, it's got a lot of text. You're gonna be reading. Hell, it's mostly text. Longwinded text too, but honestly that's one of it's better qualities. It's GOOD, text. It's lighthearted and simple in often natural places, but it isn't afraid to get serious, and honestly quite beautiful in its word choice. The creator knows how to paint some pictures. It has an interesting magic system to explore, and the magic system gets into all sorts of what could be looked at as philosophy. It left me musing things in the existential sense, and I found it all very immersive besides the fact. I wanted to learn with my character, and the creator does not hand wave the theory very much.
On that note, the game systems are quite nice. It's a well-made turn-based RPG in the numbers sense. And I greatly enjoy the feeling of self-improvement available in that, and the methods of exploring those magic systems. Though I do have some complaints with how it views stats relative to your max level.
One downside is in the form of the combat systems feeling rather weightless. There's very little feedback, you get a well written description of your actions, and the enemies, and the enemy art is well made, but a description is mostly all you get. This does slow things down if you're trying to follow it at a glance, as well as making the actual 'action phase' of combat fairly boring. Which promotes skipping through it listlessly, despite the well-done descriptions. Won't vibe well with everyone, though perhaps people who disdain flashy effects or floating damage numbers will enjoy it. I like a little feedback, personally. If I summon and hurl a giant magic rock at something, I want to feel like I'm slamming boulders into something. But with the sheer volume of combat actions, I understand that being a tall order. It services, and the systems are good.
Returning to text however, this is an 'erotic' game or a 'porn' game or an e-game or a hentai game or whatever the hell you want to call it. But it is somewhat currently lacking in the art department. From my understanding that's changing with updates. So in the horny department, it's very much written word. That honestly doesn't do it for me, and I assume, for many others. However, it scratches an itch regardless, as I find stories, games especially, that acknowledge sex in the explicit to be strangely comfortable. And I especially enjoy them with a good plot with interesting characters. It's a hard itch to scratch, especially since recently reaching the end of 'The last Sovereigns' content. I will admit that I haven't reached the end of this games content, so WHO KNOWS if the quality will stick. But I'm pretty sure it will, and I dread reaching the end of the content even as I'm sprinting my ass to the finish line.
And my last note before some sort of summary, is that so far, it seems to be pleasantly sex-positive. Which is comfortable.
To Summarize
It's a good, well-made Turn based rpg, with engaging progression. The world building and storytelling is quite nice. The characters are all people, and interesting ones at that. It's currently lacking in visual art for it's erotic bits, and I lack the taste to evaluate that without bias, but it seems well done too.
It's not perfect, but in so many ways it's exactly what I wanted when I booted it up, and I very much recommend giving it a try, if you're in the mood for a read.