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A member registered Feb 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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That's a question I'm asking myself as well to a degree lol. I'd say we're about 1/3 through what I had planned that is actually reasonable to do, give or take a little. Not sure how things will work out in the end.

But the very rough idea was Hieroneiden arc (culminating in deepwoods, yea), hero's journey arc (culminating in Astrologia and finding out what's going wrong), and then an unnamed arc that culminates in the overall finale.

Rosalyn was one of the characters you run into in the second Deepwoods area. She appears every run and has several scenes. If you visit her after clearing all of the Deepwoods Heart content and followup (knights, Ina, Siofra joins) you can visit her to see the newest content.

You'd have to be more specific about who and what.

If you have Siofra on the team, you're basically caught up on story. Next update will have more.

Thanks for clarifying, that was very helpful to know exactly what to say!

Once you've met the Knight-Commander, the Deepwoods Verge area opens up and you can go adventuring there to progress the plot.

Can you describe what you've done and where you are?

I use Dragon NaturallySpeaking speech to text for writing, so despite beta testers helping me catch most of the issues, some slip through. Thanks for the report, will fix.

For right now, I would recommend just using the cheat menu to give yourself 2 affection, more Siofra will be implemented soon(tm).

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for explaining that to him, I would not have done nearly as good of a job lmao.

Nope, buy it once and get updates forever!

In the Cheat menu, you can alter the trust/affection gain rates, or directly add them. I actually get a lot of complaints that you get T/A too fast lol, so I figured I'd just let everyone adjust it to their own liking.

Glad you enjoyed the game overall!

It's almost done.

She's getting a decent amount here for sure, and going to get a major scene next time with her joint pseudo-date with Celica. I dunno if her actual Badon date will be there, after this update I would like to stay the fuck away from giant multi-month updates for a while lmao.

I love Sarah, she's a good girl, and a lot of fun to write.

I love it, my favorite elemental type magic!

Good question! Fire + wind = lightning, in true Avatar fashion lmao.

Heyy nice dude! Glad you got them sorted, back when I played MGD I ended up modding in some cheat abilities so I could test my other content lol. Ultimately though, I just want people to have fun with DD, whether that be playing 'as designed' or in gigachad mode I don't mind at all. Glad you had fun modding and hope you enjoy your items!

Cryswar was inspired by a golem-esque enemy in a VERY old game. I thought they looked cool and sounded cool. All there really is to it LMAO.

There are a few mods on the discord, Redshirt is actually working on a very ambitious one that adds a shitload of new weapons, skills, and even mechanics. It's kinda wild actually. Dude's is really good at this. Not a huge modding community though, not sure if due to lack of info or wat

Nice, hope you enjoy! There's certainly a lot of writing lol, I wanted to make an adult game with real characters rather than porn, though as my first project there will be some scuff.

Thanks for the report on the geas, I totally missed that one.

The tie is intentional I think, to make it a bit less punishing.

MC is gonna end up with multiple knighthoods lmao. Should be a fun civil war arc :^)

Sorry for the late response on this one, my Chrome tabs are an awful mess and I didn't realize this was sitting there unreplied to.

Haha, hey, Aspasia is there to cockroach her way through fights, it's not cheating to use the tools the game gives you.

I do think Metatron is usually better tho, also very tanky and can heal allies as well, or herself to be even tankier.

Anyways, yeah, I put WAY too much work into those chocies, it's always very gratifying to hear that people liked them! I'm personally such a carebaer that I tested them all for dev purposes but immediately went Shield on my playthrough, I just like being the good guy and making everyone happy. Mara felt like a dark mirror to the MC, both of them doing similar things for the same reasons, she just didn't have the support she needed to stay on the right path and we have an option to finally improve things.

Thanks for the error report, I'll see if I can track it down.

Hey there! The game is still in progress, depending on your reading speed there's maybe 30-40 hours of content if you do all of every girl's content? But it's far from done.

In the long term, yes, each character will have their own ending (and some harem endings). Bringing someone you like along on quests has unique dialogue for them as well, varying by character and mission.

Siofra uses the same scaling Smoulder that the player has access to. It's a damage race, since we haven't had any of those before I wanted to try something different.
Thanks for the Epione report, will try to fix that.

It's a passion project, but supposed to be a business, so I have to think about that kinda thing. Even if I'm not very good at it lol. But I will try to make the wait worthwhile regardless!

Thanks man! I'll keep working at it.

Me too kid, me too. Nah I just did a scene for her, she's getting some love!

Hey, thanks for the kind words, and I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying the game!

It's always hard to get the exact right balance of dialogue and info dumps, sadly. I'd like to think I've gotten better at it over time, but ultimately that bar is different for everyone. I'll keep trying to improve regardless.

That combo sounds pretty fun! Nether and Aether are pathways to powers some deem unnatural (by the Jedi), and a lot of content for them, some upcoming. Abyss... that one will be expanded on over time for sure. Can't say too much now without spoiling it.

I may not be as fast or experienced or smart as I'd like, but I have enthusiasm and stubbornness, if it's survived 3 years hopefully it'll make it another 3 lol.

Still plugging away, will do a proper progress post soon. I've been at this 3 years now, no need to worry about me forgetting about itch.

I'll look into the Siofra thing, I thought I had that set up already.

Someday down the road! He's a fun char and relatively important.

I have a tentative plan yeah, reserved mana, and magic/focus having more direct impact on mana. Not super well fleshed out yet tho, and it'll be A LOT of work, so it's down the road a bit cuz I have a lot of story to worry about.

DD isn't going anywhere, I'll keep plugging away at it until it's done. I put a good amount of effort into minimizing file size to keep it playable as widely as possible.

I commissioned the abomination boss theme for the game. I don't remember the others off the top of my head, I think Remanold? The About page lists most of the attributable music, though which is which isn't always clear.

And thanks! I wanted to make a genuinely good game., it's stil la work in progress but I'm proud of what I have so far.

OOF, sorry to hear that. You can use the cheat menu to help catch up quickly at least, if it helps.

Asta hasn't exactly done a great job of staying away form danger so far, what's one other way to destroy your soul?

LMAO that Siofra scene sounds highly amusing, she's definitely competitive enough. Pokemon battle mechanic go.

I thiiink this is the one? She has a few themes in various situations so not 100% sure

Fantastic musician, sadly they stopped uploading a year ago so I'm not sure how things are going for them.

Advanced magic types are mostly hybrid elements. I have quite a few planned (lightning, sand, metal, crystal, etc) but they're still a ways out. Zephyrmancy (wind spirit magic) will likely be coming first, probably in the next month or two.

Arcane will likely come at some point as well, Blood... may or may not.

That's the oldest CG in the game, and the first time I ever commissioned anyone. The artist and I had some misunderstandings about exactly what I wanted. No shade to him, he did a good job with it. At some point I will get a new CG to replace it.

Greataxe is pretty OP. Greatsword has good defense and can still have good regen. You can respec and change weapons ingame, so I wouldn't stress the choice too much. You can also equip 2 weapons and switch between them in battle.

About the only thing you can't change ingame is learning Earth magic since the earth magic trainer isnt ingame yet, but she will be in a month or so.

My general recommendation is just starting with a weapon/element you like, and putting your main damage stat and Vitality on auto-grow so you're guaranteed to do good damage and survive pretty well. Anything beyond that is for when you are more comfortable with builds.

Yes, the only difference between the demo and the paid version is 1 update. So usually around 2-4 weeks behind.

I wanted to make the game free, but didn't make enough from donations to make it work, so I tried this as a compromise. It's still not a lot of money, but better than donations-only, so I'm gonna keep trying to make it work! I just want to make a game people can enjoy, so I'm not worried about making a lot of money, just hopefully enough to survive on lol.

Hey there! Yeah, I've put a lot of work into trying to make it a good RPG without being too complex. It's a work in progress, but I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far.

Building Vitality is always a good idea, for any build, if you want to make the game easier. Good regen traits, better damage mitigation, it's just hard to go wrong with.

Agility for Glancing Hit works too, it's better when it works but more unreliable lol.

I personally tend to use a sword and board or greatsword build when testing cuz I'm kinda like you, I like being tanky with ok damage.

Dipping into magic gives you a lot of options, starting with Earth magic is nice for cheap buffs. Not necessary, but having some magic (the stat) lets you view more magic teaching scenes, which people seem to really like.

Builds can definitely vary based on your party member, each of them has their own build (some are a bit customizable) so it's hard to say what you would enjoy the most, cuz it depend son who you end up wanting to adventure with.

I haven't watched it, no.