0.34 is mostly character content. 0.35 is intended to have more story and possibly a new area, not sure yet, I'm gonna try to update faster so I don't ant to promise too much per update yet.
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Very much intentional! She doesn't use contractions at the start either, but slowly eases into using them. I was trying to portray her gradually getting less stiff, I'm glad you noticed!
Mommydom is great, and the very embodiment of Rosalyn lmao. Succubus milf will too, Selendis most likely, and Siofra might have some of that energy, though I suspect she'll be bigger on ranked competitive sex and lovemaking.
Not sure if the update will land tonight or tomorrow, but I'm still on track to stick with the last announcement, just want to get 1 more scene done.
I would love to think it's worth the wait! Probably not business wise, but I definitely get the disappointment of a tiny, underwhelming update after waiting. People just read a lot faster than I can write lol, 8 hours of writing for something you can read in 10 minutes. Don't think there's a way to fix that, as much as I wish there was.
I'm sure there's an optimal setup, but most of the 'splash' traits are at around 5 to 10 in a stat so you don't have to go in too far. STR/MAG combo builds just have less stats to yeet around, so you'll have to pick and choose which you want to get to.
And I'm ok! January was awful but February is looking to be much better, beta soon and hopefully release next week.
The demo is always 1 update behind the paid one. To put it another way, when 0.34 comes out, 0.33 is free for everyone. When 0.35 comes out, 0.34 becomes free for everyone.
Probably would have been more lucrative to make the demo limited, but I was originally hoping to make the game free and I still want as many people as possible to enjoy it. It's just that pure donations wasn't cutting it for income.
It's not universally illegal here, but very dangerous. Not sure if the vampire would clash, but their lore here is pretty miserable so I suspect it'd be hard to get along with - if I ever did a smaller standalone game I could see her being the main waifu though, I had so much planned for her! Enough to center a game around, tbh.
Ashley and Sarah both need love (and the D).
The idea of Kandros as Batman is.... uncomfortably not inaccurate.
Sorry for the delated response!
I hope to add blood magic at some point, no absolute promises though. I don't think the vampire gf will happen, at least not as initially planned, though.
Ashley is just.... Ashley. She puts on a heckuva act for many reasons. They're both teenage girls in a lot of ways.
Ina respects them both a lot, and is probably closer to friends with Kuril, but they don't see her as a friend either so much as a princess they care deeply for and want to support. Kuril is more like her cool war criminal uncle and Kandros is the cool genius billionaire uncle, lmao.
Glad you're enjoying it!
There will be some dialog swaps, but entirely unique conversations for something a small % of players can see would detract from doing conversations most/all players can see, so I wouldn't expect a ton of them.
Maya and Ashley will definitely get some degree of content if you are a martial artist as well, though. I love writing fights and sparring matches, like Sam/Metatron, are a good opportunity.
Hey there! The idea was to have a somewhat mystical flavor without making it too punishing to use. Adding mana costs felt like it would make it awful. The base damage is fairly average (still better than shortbows, lol) but Tiger gets a nice form skill that really helps it spread Bleed everywhere, and traits to help it heal allies with every attack, so you deal decent scaling damage with solid utility for a weapon.
Ina is definitely excited to have a friend, even if she won't admit it (easily) lmao.
Alicia is Selendis's daughter and the final guaranteed party member.
The compromise comment is intentional. It's a reference to how no one gets everything they want from compromises; gallows humor on Selendis's part.
I know some of this stuff from a weird past with plenty of farm experience, but it's fun to look up some of it too! I research a lot of stuff to try to get ROUGHLY feasible content, tho obviously having magic and magitech gives me a lot of wiggle room. Always a good way to learn!
Sorry to hear that! ISP woes are awful, I wish we had more options where I live instead of exactly one.
MC is getting more confident (to a degree) as things progress, I can see him start to joke about it at some point, but also recognize the weight of trying not to break anyone's heart. Siofra, Ina, and soon Alicia are definitely going to drive that home - all are pretty aggressive about what they want.
That's a question I'm asking myself as well to a degree lol. I'd say we're about 1/3 through what I had planned that is actually reasonable to do, give or take a little. Not sure how things will work out in the end.
But the very rough idea was Hieroneiden arc (culminating in deepwoods, yea), hero's journey arc (culminating in Astrologia and finding out what's going wrong), and then an unnamed arc that culminates in the overall finale.