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(2 edits) (+1)

Ahhhhh! This was amazing! quite a few typos here and there but overall it was wonderful. I was fully engrossed in the story from start to finish and was truly sad when it ended. I do wish there had been CG's of her with each of boys. Vonn was by far my favorite rout and character, though I may be a little biased considering my favorite characters are always the ones who you don't get along with at first lol, he did make me cry though at the end there even though I knew about the happy ending already. It makes me wish for a squeal, though it's unlikely, and my biggest wish is that it wasn't so short! But despite its shorter length it was truly an amazing game with an amazing story. I'm very glad I played it.

Can't wait to see what you come out with next ^-^


Oh my gosh, thank you!! (For commenting here as well as on LSF HAHAHA) Aww, I feel so touched. <3 Hahaha. I'm really, really glad that you liked it so much! You don't know how much you made my day with your comment!! <3

I hope you stay updated for the next release!

P.S. Yeah, a sequel does seem kinda unlikely, sorry... but... hmm, maybe we can come up wth something extra... hahaha.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hey, Ashylan! As the proofreader, I just want to apologize for having missed those typos. I double-checked the script twice, but they must have gotten away from me. (That's probably what happens when you stare at a mostly white screen for too long and too hard, haha! Plus, I may have been rushing to meet the deadline, which was around Halloween at the time I believe.)

Either way, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the game. Ran's pretty awesome, isn't she?


It's fine, I understand how that can be. As a writer myself I know how often typos can get by you lol. (That's probably why I have like 5 people helping me with my writing at all times haha.) Not only is Ran awesome, but the whole crew is as well. You all made an amazing game in such a short amount of time and that is pretty awesome in itself.


Awww, haha, Ashylan. :) I'm sure we're all glad to hear that from you!

Ehehe, though actually, it didn't really take us a 'short time' to make this... and it was mostly my fault. I'm glad people still stuck to the project, though! So grateful to everyone, the members of the team and players alike!

You're too sweet! Haha, thank you so much for everything!