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A member registered May 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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I'm glad you enjoyed my comment and my nickname for Landon lol. I'll definitely have to check out the fan book and I'm already super excited for the Valentines Otome, I'm looking forward to it. ^-^

OMG! I love your first game, it was amazing! I can't wait for this one to come out *sigh* I just wish that I didn't have to wait so long lol.

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Okay I'm gonna take the first few sentences to sound professional. I just finished the game and I thought it was an amazing game from start to finish. The music was wonderful and the art was adorable, the characters were funny and interesting, and the story was captivating, clever, and wonderful to read.

Okay now to the other comments I have....

Oh my freaking God that was adorable as hell! I thoroughly enjoyed this story and it's not like anything I've read before! I loved the fact that you put the main character in a upper class situation, hid her identity and then just acted like everything was normal. Kiren herself -- I called her Kiren (Not my real name) during the game so I'm just gonna stick with that -- is very relatable and easy to "get along with" in the sense that I wasn't yelling at her, often, due to her obliviousness or for her jumping to conclusions. I found myself constantly agreeing with her or saying things that she would repeat in the next sentence, not to mention the fact that she was a lot like myself in general. It's not often that you find a main character that can be so relatable.

So during my first run through I got the general ending ("Big surprise there." she says sarcastically.) which I found adorable, I mean Kiren got to be a famous chef for crying out loud! (My interpretation of that ending anyway) I found the puzzle mechanics interesting though the "Find the differences" one could have been much clearer on the whole statue thing, I had no idea what differences I was suppose to find, though part of that was probably my fault.

The next one I did was the Count, or "Vampir" as I called him most of the time lol. His character was very sweet and charming, though most princely types are, and I found his relationship with Landon to be adorable. Halfway through his story it pretty much hit me like a freaking train that he was actually Erik the whole time, which was freaking amazing! I never expected that and the explanation behind everything was pretty flawless, at least in my opinion. Near the end of it my heart started to break for him because he was just like, "It doesn't matter because she doesn't care." Oh dear god that hurt me haha. His ending was wonderful and sweet just like his entire story.

Next I did Tyler, or "Wolfy". Dear lord he was sooooooooo freaking CUTE! Shy guys are like my second favorite type in games like this. Watching him become more and more determined to protect Kiren was simply adorable and watching him fall in love with her was even more so. "Would you take a walk with me in the snow!?" I almost died at that part! This story was where I was kinda yelling at her because she was kinda oblivious of his feelings the whole time. I also loved the fact that he was so passionate with music and you could almost hear the joy he felt while he talked about it.

Finally, (and this was my favorite one) I did Landon's or, as I liked to call him, Bandages McJerkface. Now before I get into his, I must explain that this is my all time favorite type of guy when it comes to these otome games. That's why I saved him for last. From start to finish I was constantly yelling at him and fighting back along with Kiren, because god damn he is a freaking jerk. I was very interested in seeing his reactions to certain things, my favorite one was when I "kissed" Erik. That was the best because he got sooooo possessive after that and it was so adorable because it was like he had no idea what he was feeling towards her and all he knew was that no one else was allowed to be near her but him. And then at the end when he was trying to explain everything while drunk it was heart wrenching because every word that came from his mouth just dug himself deeper and deeper into a hole. His was definitely my favorite rout to take, and I also liked the Unicorn part quite a bit.

Overall this was a wonderful game to play and I wish it wasn't over. I always hate when amazing VN's end. I commend everyone who worked on this and I will be looking out for more projects in the future, I'm very excited to see what you come up with. Though I wish for a sequel though I know it wont happen, so I'll just settle for other stories to read and fall in love with. Thank you for this wonderful experience and for working so hard on this for us. Sorry this was so long to read but what can I say, I truly enjoyed it.

It's fine, I understand how that can be. As a writer myself I know how often typos can get by you lol. (That's probably why I have like 5 people helping me with my writing at all times haha.) Not only is Ran awesome, but the whole crew is as well. You all made an amazing game in such a short amount of time and that is pretty awesome in itself.

(2 edits)

Ahhhhh! This was amazing! quite a few typos here and there but overall it was wonderful. I was fully engrossed in the story from start to finish and was truly sad when it ended. I do wish there had been CG's of her with each of boys. Vonn was by far my favorite rout and character, though I may be a little biased considering my favorite characters are always the ones who you don't get along with at first lol, he did make me cry though at the end there even though I knew about the happy ending already. It makes me wish for a squeal, though it's unlikely, and my biggest wish is that it wasn't so short! But despite its shorter length it was truly an amazing game with an amazing story. I'm very glad I played it.

Can't wait to see what you come out with next ^-^

Haha don't worry, I don't mind if you copy my idea, I honestly think that more people should do it. Btw I love Lanny and Henri too, Lanny definitely should get a rout and I am begging Baten to give a real rout to Henri too! It would be perfect because when you're on their routs they would always be at each others throats.

P.S. I'm also waiting for Lanny to get "Slam dunked" lol

Lanny is definitely top favorite in this one and Henri is a very close far. I've literally been warring over the two of them, and I love how they fight with each other for Iris' affections and she's oblivious as all hell.

You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed reading my message and I'll have to go back and look for those Ciel jokes.

Henri is pretty awesome haha!

(1 edit)

Warning there may be spoilers for those who haven't read the story yet!

I swear to God you are my favorite person Baten!

Reasons why this game is awesome:

(I know it's a lot but i thought you might be interested to see what we, or at least what I think as I go through the game. sorry it's so much.)

  • First of all I found the fact that she would just randomly fall over hilarious only because I just imagined her walking around minding her own business and then all of a sudden she just face plants into the ground.
  • Secondly, I immediately felt bad for this poor child with no friends or family who just accepted that she was nobody special and that no one cared about her.
  • Next on my "This game is Awesome" list of reasons is the goddamn first choice XD like seriously I don't think I've ever seen the "Ask him out choice" worded quite like that. I can't stop laughing at it "Hurry up and ask this husband-material man on a date." the only thing that makes it better is the fact the other option says "Say goodbye like a normal person."
  • Also, I thought that putting Reqieu's name pronunciation in the dialogue was honestly really smart, not many people think to do that.

The list continues as I play the game.....(I'm only on the first choice right now haha)

(Chose the normal option lol)

  • Henri: hated him at first, realized he actually cares, laughed cause he's a tsundere.....oh and What was that Henri? Something about dreams? (Henri is the best so far lol) "I SAID I THOUGHT OF A PUN!" nice save there Henri, real smooth. 10 Points for Henri
  • What kind of con artist's has Vendetta run into???
  • aaaaaaand now I have a moody lance.....It's exactly what every hero needs!!!! 5 Points Lanneis

(And third choice....seriously though just take off your glasses...)

So far it's really interesting. I've really missed the music you use, it all just so calming. Wynrou is interesting and fun to learn more about, and Lanneis is pretty cool. I like how he's just like "whatever i don't care" but deep down he really does care at least a little bit. I have some theories about Vendetta but I won't say anything for the sake of others but I'm curious to see if I'm right. Anyway back to the game!

Just wanna say, I would love to have "Died while distracted with talking to a magic lance." on my tomb stone. oblivious.....AS ALL HELL!

Back to the list: (Why is 100 years old an option lol)

  • Nia is awesome!
  • Dear God that was a horrible pick-up line XD -3 points for myself haha
  • Best option so far....whelp time to find out what this "innuendo" is haha
  • Dear Lord she actually called her teacher! I love this game so much XD
  • Lanneis is THE best teacher EVER! I will slam dunk all the idiots in to the trash can! 10 Points for Lanny!!!
  • Lanneis: Stubborn, reserved, secretly a sweetheart, and will murder for you......Lanny is winning right now
  • Jealous of other weapons.....yep he's definitely winning
  • And the battle between Henri and Lanny begins! This is going to be an amazing game!!!!
  • Henri gets 5 more points for calling me fine by accident lol

(Just finished chapter one)

This game already seems amazing and I'm excited to see the rest. If you couldn't tell already my favorites so far are Henri and Lanny, I love that Lanny gets so jealous so quickly and how much he opens up after only a few days. Nia really got to him didn't she lol. Henri is just plain adorable and it's fun watching him get flustered is a lot of fun.

I've been trying to figure out the connection, if any at all, to the previous games and the one that will be coming in the future though I'm probably just looking too hard for something that probably isn't there. And I still have my suspicions about Vendetta......though my theory may have changed a bit thanks to the whole sword/spirit thing.....hmmm.....

(Anyway moving on to chapter 2)

  • 5 points Lanny for almost buying flowers
  • I like that you added a Save him and get pissed off at Lanny option. it's basically saying "Not only will you probably die, but you'll die angry too!"
  • *Gasp* I messed up! Though I like how you told the reader that there was a better option and that I could actually do something about what was happening. Really creative and unique. I like it.

What.....just.....happened? arm.....that was the true ending of the demo? I.....I hate that you apologized because I can't get mad at you now for ending the demo like that GAH!!!

Anyway, it was really good and I enjoyed it thoroughly from start to finish. I'm really excited for the next update and eventually the finished version. I hope you enjoyed reading my reactions to certain parts of the game and I assure you they are all genuine. I always enjoy reading your work and I always look forward to see what you come up with next. I'm a huge fan and you are a truly amazing person Baten, from your terribly funny jokes and your cruel plot twists, all the way to your amazing characters and heart-wrenching scenes. You're creative, fun, and I can tell that you put a lot of hard work and love into all of your projects.

Anyway, see you around keep making people smile, laugh, cry, and above all never stop writing.


P.S. PLEASE DEAR LORD MAKE HENRI A PLAYABLE ROUT!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW IT WOULD BE FUNNY IF HE WASN'T BUT I THINK IT COULD BE FUNNIER IF HE WAS! like seriously, Iris is already hella oblivious, his rout would be like him trying so hard to get her to realize he likes her while he acts like he doesn't like her. He'd be his own obstacle, IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS!!! Please just consider it.....please.....for me.....your like number one fan (more realistically number two considering anyone important in your life would automatically be number one)..........please..........okay bye!

Ahhhh! I have been waiting so long for an update in this series! I can't wait to play it!!!!!

No problem! I always enjoy VN's with amazing story lines, great CG, and wonderful characters. This VN definitely has all of those factors and I can't wait till the completed version is out.

This is a beautiful game so far and I'm excited to see the finished product. I supported y'all on KickStarter the other day so now I simply and eagerly await the next update to the game! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to find out which one of these boys is my favorite lol. BTW thank you so freaking much for finally doing what the world has wanted since the first Otome game was created.

(1 edit)

Dear Michaela Laws,

So you probably know that I am a HUGE fan of this game series by now and that will never change EVER! I just had the chance to play Erik's epilogue that just came out and I love it! Everything about this series is amazing and it saddens me that the story is basically over, I mean there's not much more you can do now is there? The only thing I can think of is them starting families and that's not much for story unless you do something awesome and surprising, but I'm not here to ask for that. I just wanted to say that this series has been wonderful and I'm excited for the future releases of the remaining short stories. Everything you guys put into this has been a work of art and it was phenomenally done, I truly commend you on your work. As sad as I am to see this series come to an end I do look forward to your future projects and story lines and I know they will be just as amazing, creative, and fun as this one has been if not more so. You have inspired me so much to further my writing and story telling and I hope to one day have a VN of my own out there, but for now I think I'll stick to writing Novels on my laptop. Thank you so much for this amazing creation and for my newfound inspiration, you are all truly wonderful at what you do and that includes the voice actors.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to what the future holds for you all.

Thanks again, ~Ashylan

Ahhh! This demo is awesome! I'm already in love with this game and I can't wait till the full release!!!! Every part of this was wonderful and the art is amazing, not to mention the fact that I can relate to Natsu on a personality level. Reading her dialogue and the choices given is a blast because they are all things I would say, right down to the "I will draw the best damn poster this store has ever seen!" I'm a permanent fan and I'm super excited to see what you come up with in the future. Keep up the good work.

ah that's cool, thanks

No problem, I always enjoy a good VN and I love helping others make them even better. This one was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed every bit of the story including the bad endings. I can't wait to see what else you come up with, and yes I was talking about the auto-text at the beginning.

Also the walkthrough isn't showing up. I'm taken to the site but the words don't show up.....I'm not looking for a how-to-win thing I just want the CG i'm missing for Mitra.

(1 edit)

It's a really good game and I know how much projects like this mean to the creators, however I do have some small critiques for future reference....

1. Don't do so much with visual shaking and flashing of the screen, it can become annoying and distracting to some readers if overdone. When shaking or vibrating the screen it should be done in moderation and typically when certain actions are done. Flashing the screen is the same, if you use it try not to overdo it. Flash the screen 4 or 5 times and then either keep screen black or clear the image but if it's constantly flashing it will become very distracting to readers and it can take away the sense of "Immersion" within the story.

2. adding more music, even if it's just soft background noise is usually helpful. It's better it have more music in a VN than very little. (not that there was that much of a lack, but the beginning could've used a bit more music.)

3. Try not to do scrolling or auto continue words and dialogue unless you have a voice actor to go with it. people read at there own pace and when the words change on their own it can become frustrating to the reader if it goes too fast.

4. Make the credits skip-able, this is because if the reader has accidentally scrolled back (Like my smart self did) they will have to re-watch it, that can be a bit annoying.

Now before you get all critical and whatnot (not saying you'll get upset but just in case you do I want to clear thing's up) I just wanted to tell you that this is an amazing game and I adore it. The music that is present in the game is perfect, (I only wish there was more of it) and the CG is beautifully drawn. It's hard to find a VN with a good story line and gorgeous CG. I love the language barrier at the beginning, it's different and very creative. Not many people would think about adding that to their stories. I adore the game and the story, I love the fact that every choice you make has a direct impact on all three of the Boys and that you can get a wonderful ending but experience a heartbreaking scene.

I look forward to more of your creations and I hope you put the same amount of creativity, hope, and love into all that you do.

I love the update! The artwork is starting to look amazing and I love the Texting feature! ^-^ <3 It's really good so far and I'm glad to see that the mistake I pointed out was fixed, it kinda makes me feel like I contributed to the game a bit lol. I'll be looking for more of those just in case.

Anyway I love the added bits of the story and I love seeing the game come together bit by bit. I'll be looking forward to the next update and I can't wait to play the full version! I really do love your work, I think I've become your biggest fan lol.

No problem, glad I could help

Matthew (This is what I chose. Choices written in CAPS shouldn't have any affect to the ending)

Someone's saying your name

TEASE (personal choice)

Bathroom if you just want to keep going right away but you can choose all of them

Get it off





(Again choice is up to you, I wanted to find Rabbit so here are my choices)



REFUSE OR EAT (Doesn't matter)

Kiss him (Not sure how much it affects the outcome but I just did it out of defiance lol)



Tell him

Make me your Queen


What about you



Your choice but I went with WOLF because they're Freaking AWESOME!


Kiss him


Defend him

Comfort him



Hug him

KISS HIM (personal choice)

Don't call him a boy





DO IT (Personal choice)

Go to him

Give her your hand

Rescue him


(At this point it's your choice to either spare her or kill her. You have the good end at this point)


It was good to see you again


I'm not sure how to completely delete the game other than placing it in the recycle bin and then emptying it

Matthew (Same with Sam)

Someone's saying your name

TEASE (personal choice)

Bathroom if you just want to keep going but you can choose all of them

Get it off





(Again choice is up to you, I wanted to find Rabbit so here are my choices)



REFUSE OR EAT (Doesn't matter)

Kiss him (Not sure how much it affects the outcome but I just did it out of defiance lol)



Tell him

Make me your Queen


What about you



Your choice but I went with WOLF because they're Freaking AWESOME!


Kiss him


Defend him

Comfort him



Hug him

KISS HIM (personal choice)

Don't call him a boy





DO IT (Personal choice)

Go to him

Give her your hand

Rescue him


(At this point it's your choice to either spare her or kill her. You have the good end at this point)


It was good to see you again


Sam (This is what I chose, choices in caps shouldn't have any affect on the story however)

Small Wedding

Yeah we did (I don't think it matters though)

Talk about it


DO IT (This one is a personal decision)





(where you go is up to you but here is what I chose)


RIGHT (this will lead you to Sergeant if you didn't already know this)


Stop Sam

Kiss him

CURSE (I went with the curse because I was curious to see what Sergeant would do if I chose him to train afterwards)



Stay awake

Kiss him

Tell them








Ask again

Be patient

Tell the truth

It's okay




Stop him

TAKE INITIATIVE (Another personal choice)

Kiss him

NO, I JUST....


Demon ritual

Calm down

Boy, you are going to let me kiss you (Favorite line in the whole game lol)

Let him

Struggle (I don't know if this actually affects anything)

FOR THE BETTER (Honestly doesn't matter)

YOU ALL (Really doesn't matter in this story)

MAKE LOVE (Personal choice)

Stay back

This last choice is up to you, At this point you get the good end either way but i went with STAY the first time.

OMG thank you so much! I think it was the choice when Diana asks what you think, I said IDK at first, but switched it this time to he want's to be a human, either way it worked so thank you. I can finally relax lol.

I'm playing Damien's rout and I can't figure out how to get the good ending, so far I've died by fire twice and blade twice. I can't figure it out and it's driving me insane! please help

Thanks for the tip, and I'll be excitedly waiting for the sequel and for CM to be finished! ^-^

(1 edit)

So I'm commenting this here because I can't on the actual Novel page, but I absolutely love Autumn's Journey! If you couldn't tell by now I'm a big supporter of your work and I believe you guys have come up with some of the most unique stories I've seen. I look forward to new novels and I pray for a sequel to Autumn's Journey.

Awe, boo! Well I'm sure I'll be able to buy the full version eventually. I look forward to reading the story and I'm glad I could help.

No problem! I really do adore your work, and I'm happy to hear that Seihou and Anholly aren't "gone for good" so to speak. Plus isn't trusting the villain way more fun than following the hero? lol

I love it! Haha i wasn't sure if i would but i absolutely adore this game. The story so far is really interesting and I'm already fighting between Ian and Nico! I swear if the full version isn't free I'll probably cry....not that I don't mind helping out developers but I'm basically broke so yeah lol. Either way this game is awesome and I can't wait to see the full thing. BTW there were some minor spelling errors and I think you accidentally used Franco's name instead of Enzo's during the Sunday dinner.

(1 edit)

AHHHHH!!!!!!........I...I'm not even sure what to say....*sniff*....It was just so many emotions at once, and literally my very first reaction was,"Seihou? Umm....can i marry you now please?" I honestly fell in love with the story as I took this freaking emotionally challenging journy and literally was like, "done" at the scene where Anholly was holding Riov's hands and Seihou actually was jealous! I actually sat there like, "Oh my God! He's actually jealous? I'm done.....I'm done....nope i'm just done...." (But in a good way)

It was a very sweet game and the ending caught me off guard quite a bit. My only wish is that you would have done more with the "Because I love you" line in the end there, and my only hope is that we get to see Anholly and Seihou again, and I don't just mean their reincarnates. I love your work and in MO Ciel I particularly fell in love with Yvin and I honestly have to say that his ghost scene in the main paths was brilliant! Anyway I just have to say that I adore your work and I can't wait to see the next installment to the MO series though my trust for you rests precariously atop a tree branch and if your not careful Ven might just pull it out of said tree. Haha but seriously keep doing what you're doing and "No but's. Never but's."