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u can get the g freddy any time, but is harder than 6969, you have to stay in the cameras changin until the freddy poster changes to a g freddy face, then you have to exit the cameras(without changing) and wait until it apears(btw, the sex escene don't apears in the extras), also there is puppet, but idk how to trigger it.
Thanks for the guide, really helped! However, did you really beat night 7 420 mode, I can't do it. I keep getting to 5 am and I die. I've even been able to make it so foxy only arrives once or twice the whole night, but no matter what, even if I have 30 seconds of 5am freddy always does a quick power outage. I'm pretty frustrated lol
How do I get the second part of the animations? I've gotten all four of the animatronics (Bonnie, Chica, Freddy and Foxy) multiple times, including multiple times on the same night, and it's still stuck on the first animation. Do I have to beat the game to unlock them?
EDIT: Never mind, I found it. You have to beat Night 5 in order to get the second animation, for some reason. A little annoying, but not the end of the world. Is there anything special after I beat the other two nights and 420 mode?
I think the way I was doing it would work. That is, ignoring the monitors completely and just listening. That way you can save precious power, since the only thing the monitors will do is let you know what rooms they're in. All you really need to know is when they're outside your doors, which you can do just by listening. That also works for Freddy, as she won't appear at your door until after she giggles at least three times. After her 3rd giggle, I'll check the room by my door and if she isn't there I'll wait until she giggles again to check, but I never leave the tablet up longer than a second as I just need to check to see if she's there.
As for Foxy, I keep my mouse hovering over the left door button at all times. That way, as soon as I hear her running down the hall I can close it, wait until she bangs on the door three times, then after a second I can open it again.
It's difficult, but doable.
I already found out that, as always, "most obvious answer, is often the right one."
When she's in the kitchen, it's the same as other animatronics being next to your door. I feel stupid for not understanding that earlier, but I'm already on night 6 and manage getting foxy to come only 2 times. But she always comes to the kitchen at 4AM. So that's a Bai Bai Power moment.
Been trying night 6 for over an hour now, but the checking on Foxy strategy does not work for me. Even if I check her every 2 seconds, she always comes out in the first hour. Bonny also comes like 10 times in a night, running me out of power by 4/5 am. Am I just unlucky or do you need like 100 tries before one works?
Ty for the reply really appreciate it!! The video really helped to answer a lot of my questions. Now I understand why Bonnie and Chica leave quicker (in general) later in the night (because their 'AI-levels' increase). And also why sometimes you do not die immediately if you're slow to respond... Never played the original game(s), because I am not really a horror fan, but the strategy aspect of the game is kinda fun.
Foxy just confused me because sometimes when checking every few second she just appears almost immediately and other times when not checking at all she takes pretty long to arrive at the door. But I guess that is just RNG fucking around sometimes (Foxy do be kinda hungry for some ass tho).
One last thing is that Bonnie sometimes doesn't give a sound cue (maybe it has something to do with being in the camera). However, it is probably is something I am doing wrong...
Something I still wonder about is room 4B without the camera. I get that you can hear some of them through the room. But does this add anything at all, or are there some cool easter eggs here? IMO this would be a really cool opportunity for a new scene.
Kinda wish you could restart without exiting the game, but hey I will go back to trying.
Thanks again!
Ty for the reply really appreciate it!! The video really helped to answer a lot of my questions. Now I understand why Bonnie and Chica leave quicker (in general) later in the night (because their 'AI-levels' increase). And also why sometimes you do not die immediately if you're slow to respond... Never played the original game(s), because I am not really a horror fan, but the strategy aspect of the game is kinda fun.
Foxy just confused me because sometimes when checking every few second she just appears almost immediately and other times when not checking at all she takes pretty long to arrive at the door. But I guess that is just RNG fucking around sometimes (Foxy do be kinda hungry for some ass tho).
One last thing is that Bonnie sometimes doesn't give a sound cue (maybe it has something to do with being in the camera). However, it is probably is something I am doing wrong...
Something I still wonder about is room 4B without the camera. I get that you can hear some of them through the room. But does this add anything at all, or are there some cool easter eggs here? IMO this would be a really cool opportunity for a new scene.
Kinda wish you could restart without exiting the game, but hey I will go back to trying.
Thanks again!