You guys really have nothing better to do than hate on a free game's dev huh?
If it turns out his Patreon is actually paused, you guys do realize how silly this whole hate parade of yours is gonna end up looking right?
Another complete trash post.
If you had bothered to actually look at the last time this was updated, simple question, do tell us when it was last updated? Then tell us more about who looks silly thinking it's just right around the corner.
But overall, don't feel too bad when you finally do go look. I'm sure those of you still waiting and signing up, hanging on every word that pops up each month can easily find acceptance with the bronies.
been "paused" since august 2019. actually before that as that was the last fake news update that added absolutely nothing. but that don't matter, as reading all your comments below you are obviously here to make excuses. so when you get ur pile of monthly excuses and procrastination, you will know you are getting ur money's and time worth.