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A member registered Dec 11, 2020

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Yeah, you spit something alright.  馃榿

Why is it such an issue for YOU that people are complaining this lazy ass dev, who barely even works on Radiant and Alorth has threatened to leave the project unless Sir Dammed got off his ass and did anything, hasn't touched this game in nearly 5 years?  How is that for facts?   It's obvious you are another one of the dev's lug humping mutts but as for being an addict, this game was mediocre at best and Radiant was so bad that I had to quit part way through, so I'm not seeing what there is to be addicted to.

But don't worry.  Your echo chamber and safe space is >>> that way.

Did you at least wipe your mouth off before crawling out from under the dev's desk before typing out that little thesis?

If the NTR is not avoidable in a harem game, why should I want to play this game?  That's not a game, that's a waste of time.

It's cute you think people should support this garbage dev who last touched this game in 2019.

What a massive pile of BS.

The updates have lagged for more than a few years now and the game is already over 6 years old, with no end in sight.

That steaming dog pile is more word salad with no meaning.  This game has a chronic issue with updates, it isn't a one off thing.

Or dumb and dumber.   And speaking of dumb and dumber, they haven't showed up yet to drool and fawn over Stupidbits latest dump of a post after being promised and hyped up for it all month, or any number of months for the last 48 months.  馃榿

Hopefully nobody bothers to read him all the dumb garbage he's been posting every month into those hearing aids. I don't think even hearing aids are designed to withstand the frequency of reverberating horse manure.

And when his new blind eye seeing dog eats his computer again, maybe he will stick his cane up his ass and get on Patreon to tell the world about his experience.

I SEE what you did there!

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

Another  bullshit ass excuse.  Stencilbits lied again and there never was going to be an update!  馃榿馃榿馃榿

 Get a load of this Ray Charles shit.

Monthly update Ray Charles edition.

This is another update post, a bit late as always, but finally here nonetheless. Another deadline missed, so at this point I feel I should share some news that I have mostly kept under wraps until now, although I'm sure some people might have already made some guesses. I'm a pretty private person, so sharing things from my own personal life always feels a bit clumsy. I tried to delay writing this post as long as possible, hoping that things would settle on their own at the last minute, but of course that didn't happen.
So, straight to the point. I have been struggling with my eyesight for a while now. At first, I just chalked it up as normal eye strain as I mostly work with computers all day. Some eye exercises every now and then with some rest during weekends usually helped. Until they didn't.
After some eye pain episodes at work, my doctor diagnosed some kind of ocular hypertension. Nothing too serious yet, eye drops, rest and limiting screen time seemed to help. Still, writing or reading anything longer than a few paragraphs was difficult for a while, unless I maxed out the font size.
The more severe issues started last spring and I have tried to keep this secret until now. Even back then, Offcuts 0.4 was mostly ready, just missing some finishing touches, so I thought a delay of a few months probably wouldn't hurt much. Rinse and repeat a few times after that as the situation didn't improve much. Things started to look better again a few months ago and I was finally planning to actually release Offcuts 0.4, until another eye pain episode last November sent me to a specialist eye doctor, who suspected glaucoma.
Glaucoma can be a pretty severe eye disease that can eventually make you blind if left untreated. Needless to say, the potential diagnosis was and is a shock to me, especially as I'm not even that old yet. Fortunately, the diagnosis is not certain yet and it can often take a long time (even years) to confirm as it's not a cut-and-dry diagnosis. There is still a good chance this is something else and much more harmless. Meanwhile, there are also some good treatment and preventive care options available, some of which I'm already using.
This has been another messy and stressful year for me, trying to juggle my job and hobbies while trying to manage this health issue. Still, finally writing this post and putting things out in the open feels like a big relief. Repeatedly trying to guess and miss any deadlines and other predictions felt awful and I don't blame anyone who has felt frustrated, but at least now you know the reason.
So, what about Offcuts 0.4? Fortunately, it has been mostly ready for a long time now, I just haven't managed to write (or read) much since last spring. I have wanted to give the script a final proofreading pass for a while now, but reading a script of over 50k words in my current state is pretty rough. Still, even in the worst case I can eventually wrangle 0.4 together somehow, eyes closed if needed. However, I currently try to prioritize my day job as I'm worried about how my condition might affect my work in the future in case the worst scenario happens.
I have no plans of giving up yet, but the next few months and doctor visits will be important to see where I'm heading (pun intended, I guess). Still, I have no plans to stop doing this little hobby unless I absolutely have to. I'm optimistic and I'll try to use my winter vacation to recover as much as possible, so expect a next Patreon post at some point in January. I'll see you in the next update. (Pun intended again, funny how many of our language idioms have something to do with sight.) Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone despite the bad news!
And as always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then).

Why even have choices if you are literally forced back to remake it?

Lots of flaws and character models are unimpressive.  Didn't even get to the end of the update before deleting it was so bad.

Wow!  Look at you.  Finally found the internet that exposes you to opinions other than your own.  Good for you.

Pound sand.

It needs to be finished sometime before we're all dead and buried, and not have 5 minute annual updates that have and bring nothing of substance.

In the last update instead of fleshing out the actual cast we got a dumb frog and a bunch of other garbage characters that won't have any new content for the next several years.

Ignore it and use the cheat menu as it is broken on Android.

I'd suggest dev do away with the manual function of these grindy options, just have them instant pass and get the stat like every other game.

I agree, and I recommend the use of rusty nails stuck to the bat.

Wow!  This page and game still a thing?

From what I saw, it isn't even worth playing.  There is almost no content.  There's a handful of progression scenes and the only lewd scenes with main cast are dreams/fantasies that don't actually occur in-game or a few scenes with random NPCs, then the game abruptly basically runs in circles at that point due to having no more content.  You can easily be done with this game in less than an hour.

Sylphia Island was better in that regard, the time spent on this catastrophe of a game that never should have happened should have went to the original project.

Dead page.

I guess Stencilbits hasn't gotten motivated enough to clamber up and roll off the couch over to his desktop and update the masses on all things Stencilbits.  He promised us an update on the 17th, and he'd never lie.  馃槀

Actually curious as to what his lame excuse is going to be this time.  I've got a few brain cells to spare.

Says the retard responding to 2 month old posts while having an emotional meltdown.

I've seen her in one.  A hotel sim.  She looks absolutely atrocious.  Probably why nobody adds her.

Not here.  Go to F95zone.

Oh, I wasn't going to do it myself but I know of a good porter that does a ton of Android ports (Estrada) who might be able to be persuaded to take it up later when it gets to Joiplay only.  I'm not aware of him changing anything in any of the games he ports.

Well that sucks, but also understandable.

Would you care if a third party ported it?

Well, if the work ethic he has shown us these past 4 years is any indication, he mostly just posts about it on Patreon.

If you sort through the easter basket of excuses and other garbagy junk he plasters on the patreon, there's more than one post where he talks about a new job so apparently not only can he not be bothered to finish his games, he can't be bothered to hold a job either.

But don't worry.  Ole Stencilbits will ride in next month, or in a few weeks actually, to tell us all about how hard at work he's been and how it's coming out next month after he goes on another bug hunt, goes on another vacation, goes to another job, goes to hell, etc.

Any chance for a compressed Android version?

Monthly Update: Rodeo Rider Edition
Another month and another summer is soon past us, which means it's time for the tried and true monthly update! Refreshed from my summer vacation, I finished some lingering issues, both at work and home. More importantly to you, I also drafted some plans for the future. As mentioned in previous updates, Offucts 0.4 has been pretty much ready for a while now, and currently I'm just angling for a good opportunity to get back in the saddle and start producing more content. Hopefully, with a more consistent release speed. Starting and immediately stopping again would be pretty disappointing at this point.
As for the final destination, expect a new Patreon update and more news around September 17th, so a few weeks from now. New and old plans revealed, planning my future timetable, and maybe even the final release date for 0.4. Plus, whatever else will be relevant, including perhaps some art dumping from the dark corners of my hard drive. So, until then!
As always, I'm not going to take any Patreon payments until 0.4 is out (I'll temporarily suspend my Patreon at the end of each month until then).
The rest of the post is mostly copied from my previous updates for those who are new or want to be reminded of what will be coming next. See you in the next post, thanks for your support and patience!

Well, here comes Stencilbits with his dead game making his usual end of the month rounds, right on schedule for the past 4 years.

And who'd of guessed?  He wants us to wait another 2-3 weeks for another blockbuster of an update.

But I'm sure all the patrons who have stayed signed for 4 years waiting on this garbage all collectively fell out of their seats.

Sad thing is there are two people waiting on it.  One has been posting on the Patreon "can't wait" for the last two years at least, every month that Stencilbits goes to the computer to pretend he is a dev.

I guess if the dev desires another dead trash game like his last one.

Time to bury this dead game.

Are you guys pumped and excited it's the end of the month and Stencilbits will be digging up the corpse of this game to dance it around and pretend it's coming out again next month.

Lyk4n doesn't even update this page as it hasn't been touched since 2001.

Game gets 1 part of an episode per month, if past updates are any indication, usually 3-4 parts per episode.  That said, I don't see the game going into chapter 4.  I'd guesstimate there are about 7 months worth of updates left till the end of chapter 3, at a minimum.

Did we miss anything besides another big nothing for last month?

Oh lookie.  Stencilbits posted another big nothing for this month.

Next month's big nothing be like...

The new scenes are broken.  The screen literally runs together.

(2 edits)

Unless something got added in the Directors Cut, I didn't see any forced scene with Sidney or scenes with others when you weren't on their path.

But I haven't played the DC update because I considered the game done at 0.26 when it was finalized.

You never said there wasn't NTR anymore, you strolled along and made a dumb claim there was no NTR period on a 2 month old post in an update that had NTR, got called out on it, and now you are projecting and backpedaling.

Reading comprehension is a thing.  Apparently it's not your thing.

You couldn't be any more ignorant here if you tried.  Deal with it.