Thank you very much, I managed to figure out what the format you were looking for is. The issue ending up being a format issue since I would normally write that piece of info very differently from what you were looking for which caused me to insert that piece of info in just about every way I possibly could (involving both writing it out and using numbers) until I stumbled onto it. I feel very silly having taken so long to get it but at least now I have access.
Once again, thank you very much for making. By sheer coincidence I actually happened to play All The Words She Wrote shortly before this VN, so it was very fun seeing the references to it. Oh and now that I've read the author's notes... *Throws rose petals at your feet*
Excited to check out your remaining works that I haven't had the chance to dive into yet, I've recently been marathoning a lot of them. Some I've been very into, others not quite my cup of tea (though I know others would be more into), but I really appreciate the sheer variety in what you make. Best of luck with your future projects as well.