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A member registered Jul 09, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

np! i hope it helps!

I already answered this question in another comment chain.


(3 edits)

This how you get the neutral, good, and 'final' ending (the 5th ending is not particularly happy lol so if you only want to read the best outcome you might want to skip it...)

He still wanted to have hope
He admitted he was to blame
He made light of the topic
And so he did Tavi argued against the physician’s cautions
Try to reason with Yuel
He wished that he could help Yuel
No matter how much it hurt
And he gave in to that temptation
Begged Yuel desperately
He was kind to Yuel because nobody else had been
Before he relented (if you press on you’ll get the neutral ending)

For this last choice, you'll either get the final end or the good end based on what you pick.
It's possible to get railroaded into only getting the final end from this choice if you picked other stuff earlier, but if you follow the guide the narative will branch here

He promised Yuel he would always be there for him (gives you the final ending)
He would have to be careful but… (gives you the good ending)

Yuel's two attempted suicides take place regardless of what choices you pick, since the story doesn't banch off into the different endings until about 70% of the way through. A lot of the grim content here is unskippable, though the darkest content is in a couple of the bad endings.

If you want I can tell you all the choices you need to pick to get the good ending, if you want to ensure that things end happily.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

I'm not sure at the moment, sorry.

I like UIL a lot too, it's very cute and fluffy! It's also the easiest setting to work with to do side stories or spinoffs, which is what I've been doing. I'm probably going to release a few short stories set in the UIL universe, though it might take a bit to finish them; I'll have to see how it goes!

I was writing some more cute fluff set in the Unluckily in Love universe, so there will be more things to look forward to on the horizon 👀

Haha this story is a bit sadistic...
Although, in the original draft of the story, there was only one ending, and it was a bad ending, so at least there's a possibility of things working out now!

I hope the story was still enjoyable and/or interesting despite the various Horrors I subjected my boys to haha 💦💦

Thank you!

Only a sub in this story.

This was so cute omg!!!

I loved the art so much; the backgrounds have so much character (they really do look like retro anime backgrounds from the 80s/early 90s) and the filter over everything adds to it. The character art is really nice too; I love how expressive everybody is! Skye's grumpy faces are all very cute hehe >w<

It's also nice reading a yuri VN with older characters for once! It makes a nice change from the vast majority of yuri VNs where the characters are all set in high school. The world needs more age gap yuri with adult women.

I liked Anna a lot as a protag too! I love how dry and deadpan and kind of 'over it' she is haha, her narration was a pleasure to read.

Thank you so much for creating this, it's very cute! It was a nice bite-sized treat and I enjoyed it a lot! <3

The art is very pretty! The artist did a really good job! <3

me too <3

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thank you very much! I'm glad you enjoyed it! <3

i'm glad!!! thank you! <3

thank you you're too kind <3
i'm glad you liked it!!!

how can any game where we play as ebony darkness be bad, though.......... she is Too Iconic

Thank you for running it! ❤️

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Aa thank you so much for your comment! It really is appreciated! I'm glad that the story was able to resonate with you! 🙏
I received some negative feedback from people because they thought Abel was too unlikeable as a character haha, but people aren't always 100% likeable: especially if they're going through difficult times. Writing a character with so many Issues was also quite a challenge, but hopefully he feels realistic because of it!

In any case, thank you so much for the feedback! I hope you were alright at work the next day too haha ;;


This is very sweet of you! Thank you for taking a time to leave a comment 🙏
Since this story was written for a month long game jam, I had to be a bit selective about how many scenes I could feasibly write in the timeframe. I thought establishing the characters as teenagers, then doing a timeskip to their adult lives, would be pretty fun, since it'd give the readers a chance to imagine what might have happened in these missing years for themselves. I'm glad it worked out!

Thank you very much!

Love the animations on the sprites, the character designs, and the choice of music. The writing is suitably atmospheric and feels a little old-fashioned too, which matches with the atmosphere.

The sprites also look so pretty against the moonlight window background, the lighting is lovely!

It's a really atmospheric little VN, I enjoyed it a lot!

The code for choosing your language isn't working on your phone for whatever reason. I'm not sure what the issue as it works just fine on my Android device. I can only suggest that you delete the game and redownload it, and if it still doesn't work you'll either have to play it on a PC/laptop (if you have one) or give the game a miss.

Not sure what you mean by 'black and white image': are you talking about the Ren'py loading screen?
If so, it means the game never booted up at all. Maybe the download was corrupted. You can try deleting it and reinstalling it to see if it works this time.

What do you mean by the starting screen? Do you mean the language chooser, the main menu, or something else?

A short story that manages to say a lot. Using the Ren'py default UI makes it all seem even more real. It's very bleak and grim (and rightfully so: it's about a distressing topic), but I appreciate how earnest and heartfelt it feels.

I wouldn't say this is a 'nice story', but it's definitely an interesting experience. Thank you for creating and sharing it!

It looks like somebody retracted their permission for having their game in the bundle, so now the bundle isn't showing up again.

Geist sure is taking gaslight gatekeep guyboss to a new level lmao
His poisonous remarks weren't very fun to read (though I suppose that is the point haha), but I do like his VA a lot. I love both fo the VAs for this VN, actually; they both did a really great job!

The UI for this VN was impeccable, and I really liked the filtered photo BGs. I'm a big fan of them: they help root the story in the 'real world' so it feels even more immersive. The animated sprites/CGs look gorgeous too; it's clear a lot of work went into this.

For a free VN, it's very polished! You did a great job putting it together in a month!

Oh, and Kalei is such a sweetheart. I'm glad my MC ended up with him in my playthrough; it was really nice seeing Kalei get the MC to open to him by being so patient and understanding. It was very charming!

(1 edit)

This was very well-written! For such a heavy and uncomfortable topic, I think it's impressive you pulled it off so well. Both Chloe and Matthieu felt very 'real', and I liked how Matthieu wasn't presented as some cackling villain sterotype with no moral scruples. It felt much more realistic that he was a bit hesitant about everything (or was he? It does feel like he was leading Chloe on, but then lost his nerve when things got 'too real' and he started to think about the irl consequences), and he was grappling with his own self-doubt (but, then again, he grapples with his doubts in such an overblown and dramatic way it guilts Chloe into wanting to console him, when isn't fair when she's so much younger than he is...)

Aah, this was very good. The characters are so nuanced, and there are multiple ways to read their behaviour. I also imagine some of Matthieu's disgust towards Lolita comes from relating a little too much to the protagonist, so it hits too close to home? It does make his hatred feel rather ironic haha

And I felt so many feelings for Chloe. She's in way over head head but doesn't realise it until it's too late. Her desperate desire to prove she's 'mature enough' feels very relatable in an uncomfortable way. I also think being able to make choices for her in the narrative works really well, since it highlights just how divided and confused she is. The choices feel very natural as a result and make her indecision/uncertainty feel more well-realised than if this had been a linear story.

Also, major props for the UI. I love the wax crayon-ish vibe the UI has, and the sort of 'cutesy' art style. It might not seem appropriate for such a dark story at a glance, but I think it works unsettlingly well when you consider Chloe is constantly insisting she's an adult in the story; she's mature; she knows what she wants. She says it over and over again, but the story is told from her POV, and the cute/more 'childish' UI elements and the art style really serve to undercut all of these things she keeps trying to tell herself.

Also got to love all of Chloe's talks about classic lit. It comes across that she is, indeed, a very well read teen, which is probably why she thinks she's mature enough to handle a relationship like this (and I think Matthieu also encourages her to think she's oh-so-mature b/c of her literary tastes too, so he weaponises it against her). It's a nice detail to add to her character.

Anyway, this was a painfully honest VN which feels very heartfelt. Thank you for creating it!

A big part of Yuel and Tavi's relationship is that Yuel has some pretty serious mental health issues but Tavi loves him nonetheless. It's an important part of their dynamic, so I'm glad it's appreciated 🙏

Aaa thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it! ♡
This comment was one of the first things I read when I woke up and it made me happy for the rest of the day haha >_<

I'm very fond of Yuel and Tavi too, their dynamic is a lot of fun to write... I am very fond of all the banter ♡
I'm sorry that the story made you cry though! Hopefully the ending made up for it!
It's fun to put them in dramatic and tense scenarios, but I don't like being too mean to them most of the time so I had to give them a happy ending haha ;;

Thank you! ♡

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
And the German translator did a good job, they were very thorough with it!

Thank you very much!

just like real life... crazy...