this game does some really interesting things with ren'py, going through it was definitely an experience. i love how non-linear it feels and how much you can interact with it (going through blog posts, finding hidden scenes in the save/load menu, the choice at the end with the eyes), even if the actual story is pretty much kinetic. i loved the general presentation and the art too, with the subtle animations and the largely black + white colour palette with the occasional pops of red and blue. it's clear a lot of thought went into the presentation, it's positively oozing with meaning without the game explicitly spelling the meanings out to you.
i won't talk about the subject matter (well it's fitting giving the themes of the game haha), but i did enjoy this a lot. the ending also felt surprisingly hopeful, which maybe felt antithetical to the author in the story wanting to make depressing stories to better reflect reality? but i did like the way it wraps up. it feels very unique, i don't think i've read a vn quite like it before. thank you very much for creating it!
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You have to launch the .app file if you want to play the Mac build.
I've heard from other developers that macs don't like to open Itchio downloads which aren't certified as a security feature, so your mac might refuse to open the file. If you can't get the .app to run after downloading the game from Itchio, you would be better off claiming a free Steam key for the game and launching it through Steam instead. Steam's launcher can bypass Mac's security and the game should open properly then.
Obsession is a sequel to It gets so lonely here, you'll probably get more out of this VN if you've also read that.
Bit of a late reply haha but thank you very much! I'm very fond of the character designs too; I think the artist did a great job. I think the art really matches the atmosphere of the story and the general writing style.
And I'm very fond of the characters too, despite Bell and Robin being The Way They Are haha
Thank you once again! I hope you enjoy the sequel too!
Robin/Bell sharing one body selfcest is actually an incredible idea hahaha I wish I had thought of that myself...
Legit everything would have turned out so much better if the story had played out like that instead...
I also thought the ending Robin gets is the only real way this story can end based on the (gestures vaguely) everything that happens haha
He got what he deserved in the end haha ;;
thank you very much for your comment, that's very kind of you! i'm glad that you enjoyed it!
i had a lot of fun writng it, my boys are my favourites haha ;;; i like to put them in various situations so i've written quite a bit about them over the years haha, so if you like them there's a fair few more vns about them out there ;;
tysm! <3
!!! Thank you very much, this is such a kind comment!
I had fun writing it, I love writing dark and oppressive stories... I should probably do it more often, I don't write horror very often. I also don't write VNs with choices all that often either, so this was a bit of an experiment. I should probably do more of that too.
I think ths VN is definitely less ambituous than DDLC (it has fewer art assets, it's a lot shorter, and I wrote the whole thing in like a week...? I don't remember the exact timeframe but I finished it rather quickly), and it's less of a polished experience. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much though, it's nice being compared to such a popular and polished VN!
Ah thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I had a lot of fun writing this one... I don't think I intended for Abel to have quite so many Issues when I was conceiving the story, but I felt like it made thematic sense what with Edmund's own relationship with his sister and all of the unresolved Family Drama which was present in The Fairy's Secret... It felt like it would be a good thing to explore and expand upon, hence why Abel became the way he is haha
I became very fond of him as I was working on the story, so I'm glad other people like him too!
The kind words are very much appreciated! <3
The Steam version of Idleness is 100% identical to the Itchio version, so if the Itchio version doesn't work I'm doubtful that the Steam version would. I can try and take another look at it later, but as I don't have a Mac it will be more or less impossible for me to troubleshoot any issues on my own.
Thank you so much! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!
I don't usually make branching VNs haha (a lot of my stories are purely linear) so I'm glad adding in the choices + various endings added to the overall experience!
And yeah, if you want to get The Worst Endings you have to be pretty mean to Zero haha ;; I tried to make the good/bad choices pretty apparent (most of the time, at least) so players would't get blindsided by the bad endings.
The art for this story is gorgeous, I love how it turned out. It's so pretty haha, the artist did a great job.
Thank you for your kind comments, reading them made my day! <3
I've added a Steam key option to the game and it should be functioning as intended. I can see that several people have claimed Steam keys for the game already, so I pesume that it's all set up properly. If it's not working for you, it's probably an issue with Itchio itself.
If you want you can email me ( with proof of your purchase on Itchio and I can send you a key there.
aaa thank you so much!!! i'm glad that you enjoyed it, and i'm glad you found it sweet! abel is a pretty prickly character and i know one steam reviewer at least disliked him immensely lmao so i'm glad some people appreciate him <3
and yeah, ed is from another time but he's already been living in the modern day for over a year when in fair spirits starts, so he has a handle on a lot of stuff already... i also thought it would be funny if he was a more reliable/responsible driver than abel despite him being born in an era when cars don't exist lmao
i think i naturally tend to be a bit wordy when i write (+ i've read a lot of classic novels) so ed's more old-fashioned first person narration also came easy to me haha ;;
i had fun writing the parallels between ed and abel and how they both cope with grief (+ their relationships with their sisters), so i'm glad it was fun to read and think about! i thought their own past traumas would give ed and abel some nice common ground too, even if their personalities are pretty different and they both come from different time periods.
thank you so much for the long comment! it was really nice to read through it haha, i'm very fond of ed and abel so it's nice that you liked reading about them! thank you!!! <3
Thank you so much! That's so kind of you!
I had a lot of fun writing Robin too haha, especially in Refrain. I became very fond of him, I think his internal narration is kind of endearing despite all of the bad things he has done haha
And I like Bell a lot too, she was also an interesting character to write about! This story is very dark but I did have fun with it, I wrote the first draft of the script pretty quickly.
And Ashes can be read on its own. Scars is a 'what-if' spinoff which happens like 70% of the way into Ashes's timeline. Ashes is a complete story on its own, so if you're not too into BL you can skip Scars and not miss too much (though I am very fond of it).