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(19 edits)

Ok thx for your answer ! Again great work, you should give us a way to scan before jumping as soon as possible cause actually it cause the game to be almost unplayable, way too harsh, loosing hours of farm in like 5s without being able to do anything

+ Quick suggestions :

- Bank system (cause as you can die anytime it could be cool to have a bank instead of mule ^^)

- Don't sync offline guys, they won't move anyway, could fix hudge lag in spawn zone, cause even if you manage to set your spawn at an other place every new/other guys in this place makes whole server lags. So hudge desinchro on whole server, no idea if it's linked to spawn point but, sometimes you just have hudge desinch and can't do anything, all hud not refresh, weapon not shoot, repair not repair.(most of character disapear on server i think admin cleaned it everything works better thx, but i have still those "disconection" when i jump in a place with lots of pirates.


- Please put updates of 0.7 on MMO server (com/ion/full screen/storyline/sensors screen for pilot), if you could merge 0.5 and 0.7 could be great to use those news things in the MMO.

- I don't se many players around on the server did you comunicate about this game ? Are there other servers running more populated ? Personally i had hard time to found your game, i am trying to bring friends (aleady 5 tested => 4 totally liked).

I think about making a small tutorial for begineers, info for how to start on the wiki are not really helping ^^

++ More questions :

Black weapon on 0.7 ? Assets license problems ? Anyway for player to "mod" the game ?

Upgrading thrusters improve evasion ?

Trader goods respawn time ? Asteroids (looks like no respawn time infinite farm, i think random respawn time for ressources like radom range 15-30min)

How long pirates stays on the map ?

Drone implemented already ? How to avoid missiles ?

Full screen on 0.5 ?

Where is the boss ?

I see you had problems to greelight, your game is great, with new graphical artist you should stay on space theme if you can, submarine things is less sexy i think. I not possible because of some licence bullshits i hope you will continue working on this tachyon as a mod (just don't give assets).

Again really really nice job on this game, reminds me Fonline (a mod transforming fallout 2 in a mmo) and i am playing Fonline for 8 years now, so long live to this game i think i could spend lot of time on it.