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Loved the atmosphere/environment of this, you really managed to captured the feelings of claustrophobia and being stranded on an island at the same time.  The use of space, motion and view too were really well done, as was just the general look of everything.  SPOILERS:  You also get to meet a fun tippy tappy ceiling friend.  I will say the bloom was pretty aggressive in some spots though, and the forest friend I wasn't too sure of. 


Thanks Jay! Those are gracious compliments coming from yourself! The bloom in the hallways is definitely too bright especially if you're playing in a dark room. You can tell I struggled with making the game light enough for playing during the day but also dark enough to occlude the hidden mechanics and render distance. I feel like the forest friend would be better if the player was introduced to the mechanics or rules of the enemy without having to guess, more like the spider with the notes and safe areas. Hope your game does well in the jam and I'll be looking forward to game updates from you. :)


Lighting is definitely hard, especially when its integral like in a horror game but you did get a good balance.   I especially liked in the beginning caves the contrast of pure black and well lit, it gave it a void-y feel that made me further question the reality of the area.  I hope yours does well too, thanks!