This was really fun. I like hectic stuff and this was precisely that. Props to you for making everything, that's from the game to art to music, though there're too many highly saturated colours used IMO. The music is simple but the tune is really catchy.
Nitpicky time:
- The text scroll animation across lines is distracting
- the color contrast for the score UI is not great
- the score UI itself is kinda busy - I'd be fine with just one aggregate number and then stats on the game over screen
- I'd have really liked the 'my furry baby is actually a grizzly joke', but it's spoiled by the title screen & screenshots
- the tutorial is IMO too lengthy for a jam (the for a jam part is important - I think it's nicely written a makes perfect sense, but jammers tend to be impatient and skip reading long descriptions)
BTW. This was my final score.